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EclipseJDT Plug-in Developer Guide
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Headless Building with APT in Eclipse

Instructions for building workspaces from the command-line directly or with ant

The APT plugin can be used in conjunction with Eclipse to build your preconfigured workspace, either directly from the command-line or via ant with its built-in ant task.

Building from the command-line

Given an installation of Eclipse with the APT plugin installed, you can invoke the command-line builder with the following command:
eclipsec -nosplash -application org.eclipse.jdt.apt.core.aptBuild -data %WORKSPACE%
This invokes Eclipse as a console application in headless mode and builds the workspace as provided on the command-line. Any configuration for the provided workspace will be observed in the build.

Building with Ant

Again, you will need an installation of Eclipse with the APT plugin installed. Given this, the "apt" task can be invoked with the following xml in your build.xml file:
<project name="test_eclipse" default="build" basedir=".">

    <taskdef name="apt" classname=""/>
    <target name="build">
        <apt workspace="%WORKSPACE%" eclipseHome="%ECLIPSE_HOME%"/>

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