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Uses of Interface

Packages that use IOperation
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service Provides the base interfaces for all service providers. Provides a set of classes that implement a Service that facilitates the contribution of actions to modeling platform workbench parts. Provides a set of classes to help in evaluating expressions for Eclipse plug-in action enablement and visibility. Provides a set of classes that implement a Service that provides an extensible way to handle commonly used (global) actions in different views and editors. Provides core support for drag and drop. Provides an editor service for manipulating Eclipse Editors, including an operation to open an editor from an org.eclipse.ui.IEditorInput Provides the framework for the icon service. Provides the Marker Navigation service, which is used to navigate to an Eclipse IMarker in an Eclipse IEditorPart Provides the framework for the parser service. Provides a framework to contribute contribute property descriptors to the Eclipse property view, given a workbench selection.   
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core.providers Aurora internal packages Package Specification Provides a set of classes to use when creating views Aurora internal packages Package Specification This package contains the service provider classes for this plugin. 
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers Aurora internal packages Package Specification This package contains the necessary plugin classes: DebugOptions Plugin StatusCodes  
org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers.ide.providers This package contains a contribution item provider and a global action handler and provider for diagram IDE Global Actions. Defines a generic, MSL-based properties provider for EMF. Extension of the Common UI action filter framework for filters that need to test elements of MSL-managed models. The Modeling Assistant Service provides an extensible algorithm for offering users easy access to the most common editing gestures in a particular context of model elements and/or diagrams. 

Uses of IOperation in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service

Methods in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.common.core.service with parameters of type IOperation
protected  java.util.List Service. execute ( ExecutionStrategy strategy, IOperation operation)
          Executes the operation based on the specified execution strategy.
abstract  java.util.List ExecutionStrategy. execute ( Service service, IOperation operation)
          Executes the specified operation on providers obtained from the specified service, according to this execution strategy.
protected  java.lang.Object Service. executeUnique ( ExecutionStrategy strategy, IOperation operation)
          Executes the operation based on the specified execution strategy.
protected  java.lang.Object Service. getCachingKey ( IOperation operation)
          Gets the key used to cache service providers that provide for operation in the map created by Service.createPriorityCache().
protected  java.util.List Service. getProviders ( ExecutionStrategy strategy, ProviderPriority priority, IOperation operation)
          Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide for the specified operation.
protected  java.util.List ExecutionStrategy. getProviders ( Service service, ExecutionStrategy strategy, ProviderPriority priority, IOperation operation)
          Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide the specified operation.
 java.util.List ExecutionStrategy. getUncachedProviders ( Service service, ProviderPriority priority, IOperation operation)
          Retrieves a list of providers of the specified priority that provide the specified operation.
protected  boolean Service. provides ( ExecutionStrategy strategy, IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether or not this service can provide the functionality described by the specified operation using the given execution strategy.
 boolean Service. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether or not this service can provide the functionality described by the specified operation.
 boolean Service.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether this provider descriptor can provide the functionality described by the specified operation.
 boolean IProviderPolicy. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether this provider provides the specified operation.
 boolean IProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether this provider provides the specified operation.

Uses of IOperation in

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean ContributionItemService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
 boolean AbstractContributionItemProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class TestAttributeOperation
          An operation that performs attribute tests by determining whether a specific attribute matches the state of a target object.

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean ActionFilterService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether this provider descriptor provides the specified operation.

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class GetGlobalActionHandlerOperation
          An operation that gets the IGlobalActionHandler associated with the IGlobalActionHandlerContext from the IGlobalActionHandlerProvider
 class GlobalActionHandlerOperation
          The abstract parent of all global action handler operations.

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean GlobalActionHandlerService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
 boolean AbstractGlobalActionHandlerProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Returns true if the provider can handle the GlobalActionHandlerOperation operation

Uses of IOperation in

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean TransferAdapterService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
 boolean DragDropListenerService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
 boolean AbstractTransferAdapterProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
 boolean AbstractDragDropListenerProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Returns true if the provider can handle the ListenerOperation operation

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class OpenEditorOperation
          An operation that opens an editor with a given input

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean AbstractEditorProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Determines if the provider can handle the given editor operation

Uses of IOperation in

Subinterfaces of IOperation in
 interface IMatchingObjectsOperation
          The matching objects operation used by the element selection service.

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean AbstractElementSelectionProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Indicates whether this provider provides the specified operation.

Uses of IOperation in

Subinterfaces of IOperation in
 interface IIconOperation
          The operation used by the IconService.

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class GetIconOperation
          The operation used with the IconService.
 class IconOperation
          The parent of all icon operations.

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean IconService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class GotoMarkerOperation
          This class contains the information needed to perform the navigation to an Eclipse marker.

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean MarkerNavigationService.MarkerNavigationProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Determine if the corresponding provider accepts the operation.
 boolean AbstractMarkerNavigationProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class GetParserOperation
          Operation to get a parser using an IAdaptable hint for the parser to be used

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class ApplyModifiersOperation
          Operation which is excuted in order to apply modifiers to a property source provided by a provider
 class GetPropertySourceOperation
          An operation which will execute providers in order of priorities (from HIGHEST to LOWEST), obtain a property source from each, and append each result into a linked list of ICompositePropertySource property source objects.

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean PropertiesService.PropertiesProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class GetStatusLineContributionOperation
          The parent of all status line items.

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean AbstractStatusLineContributionItemProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean ActivityFilterProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Returns false if and only if any matching activites are disabled.

Uses of IOperation in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core.providers

Methods in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.core.providers with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean AbstractViewProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Determines whether this view provider can provide for the required operation It inspects the type of view operation and calls the corresponding provides method.
 boolean AbstractDiagramEventBrokerProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
protected  java.lang.Object ViewService. getCachingKey ( IOperation operation)
protected  java.lang.Object DiagramEventBrokerService. getCachingKey ( IOperation operation)
 boolean ViewService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
 boolean DiagramEventBrokerService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class CreateDiagramEventBrokerOperation
          Operation used in creating a Diagram evnet broker instance

Uses of IOperation in

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class CreateChildViewOperation
 class CreateDiagramViewOperation
 class CreateEdgeViewOperation
          Edge view creation operation
 class CreateNodeViewOperation
          Node view creation operation
 class CreateViewForKindOperation
 class CreateViewOperation

Uses of IOperation in

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean ReadOnlyDiagramPropertiesModifier. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Return true if the DiagramPropertiesProvider would return true for this operation and we are on a Browse Diagram.

Uses of IOperation in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers

Methods in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean DefaultPaletteProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers.ide.providers

Methods in org.eclipse.gmf.runtime.diagram.ui.providers.ide.providers with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean AbstractDiagramMarkerNavigationProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Only accept marker navigation operations for diagram editors.

Uses of IOperation in

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean GenericEMFPropertiesProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)

Uses of IOperation in

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
protected abstract  boolean AbstractModelActionFilterProvider. doProvides ( IOperation operation)
          Actually does the work of determining whether this provider provides the specified operation.
 boolean AbstractModelActionFilterProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
          Tests whether this provider provides the specified operation, as a read action.

Uses of IOperation in

Subinterfaces of IOperation in
 interface IModelingAssistantOperation
          Interface for all Modeling Assistant operations.

Classes in that implement IOperation
 class GetRelTypesForSREOnSourceOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of relationships that can be used to show related elements from a given source object.
 class GetRelTypesForSREOnTargetOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of relationships that can be used to show related elements from a given target element.
 class GetRelTypesOnSourceAndTargetOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of relationships that can be created between a given source and target element.
 class GetRelTypesOnSourceOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of relationships that can be created from a given source element.
 class GetRelTypesOnTargetOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of relationships that can be created from a given target element.
 class GetTypesForPopupBarOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of elements that can be created from an action bar.
 class GetTypesForSourceOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of elements that can be used for the source end of a relationship.
 class GetTypesForTargetOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of elements that can be used for the target end of a relationship.
 class GetTypesOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that gets the type of elements that can be created or used for a specific hint or gesture and optional data.
 class SelectExistingElementForSourceOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that pops up a dialog from which the user can select an existing element to be used as the source end of a relationship.
 class SelectExistingElementForTargetOperation
          The operation used with the modeling assistant service that pops up a dialog from which the user can select an existing element to be used as the target end of a relationship.

Methods in with parameters of type IOperation
 boolean ModelingAssistantService.ProviderDescriptor. provides ( IOperation operation)
 boolean ModelingAssistantProvider. provides ( IOperation operation)
           For the Get*TypesFor* operations, this will return true if the corresponding get*TypesFor* call does not return an empty list.


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