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Eclipse Draw2d

Uses of Interface

Packages that use FlowContext
org.eclipse.draw2d.text Figures and support classes related to the layout and rendering of rich text. 

Uses of FlowContext in org.eclipse.draw2d.text

Classes in org.eclipse.draw2d.text that implement FlowContext
 class BlockFlowLayout
          The layout for BlockFlow figures.
 class FlowContainerLayout
          A layout for FlowFigures with children.
 class InlineFlowLayout
          The layout manager for InlineFlow figures.
 class PageFlowLayout
          A block layout which requires no FlowContext to perform its layout.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.text that return FlowContext
protected   FlowContext FlowFigureLayout. getContext ()
          Returns this layout's context or null.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.text with parameters of type FlowContext
protected  int FlowUtilities. wrapFragmentInContext ( TextFragmentBox frag, java.lang.String string, FlowContext context, org.eclipse.draw2d.text.FlowUtilities.LookAhead lookahead, Font font, int wrapping)
          Sets up a fragment and returns the number of characters consumed from the given String.
 void FlowFigureLayout. setFlowContext ( FlowContext flowContext)
          Sets the context for this layout manager.
 void FlowFigure. setFlowContext ( FlowContext flowContext)
          Sets the flow context.
 void FlowAdapter. setFlowContext ( FlowContext flowContext)

Eclipse Draw2d

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire