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Eclipse Draw2d

Uses of Class

Packages that use Dimension
org.eclipse.draw2d Primary package containing general interfaces and implementation classes. 
org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry Types representing or manipulating geometric values, such as Points, Dimensions, etc. 
org.eclipse.draw2d.graph Stand-alone algorithms related to Graph Drawing. This package contains some complex parts used with Draw2d. 
org.eclipse.draw2d.text Figures and support classes related to the layout and rendering of rich text. 

Uses of Dimension in org.eclipse.draw2d

Fields in org.eclipse.draw2d declared as Dimension
protected   Dimension RoundedRectangle. corner
          The width and height radii applied to each corner.
static  Dimension IFigure. MAX_DIMENSION
          The maximum allowable dimension.
static  Dimension IFigure. MIN_DIMENSION
          The minimum allowable dimension. (5,5)
protected   Dimension Figure. prefSize
          This Figure's preferred size.
protected   Dimension Figure. minSize
          This Figure's minimum size.
protected   Dimension Figure. maxSize
          This Figure's maximum size.
protected   Dimension AbstractLayout. preferredSize
          The cached preferred size.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d that return Dimension
protected   Dimension XYLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure f, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates and returns the preferred size of the input figure.
protected   Dimension ViewportLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure figure, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the minimum size required by the input viewport figure.
protected   Dimension ViewportLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure parent, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates and returns the preferred size of the figure based on the given hints.
protected   Dimension ToolbarLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the minimum size of the container based on the given hints.
protected   Dimension ToolbarLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the preferred size of the container based on the given hints.
protected   Dimension ToolbarLayout. getChildMinimumSize ( IFigure child, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension ToolbarLayout. getChildPreferredSize ( IFigure child, int wHint, int hHint)
  Dimension TextUtilities. getStringExtents (java.lang.String s, Font f)
          Returns the Dimensions of s in Font f.
  Dimension TextUtilities. getTextExtents (java.lang.String s, Font f)
          Returns the Dimensions of the given text, converting newlines and tabs appropriately.
protected   Dimension StackLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure figure, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the minimum size required by the input container.
protected   Dimension StackLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure figure, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates and returns the preferred size of the given figure.
  Dimension ScrollPaneLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure figure, int w, int h)
protected   Dimension ScrollPaneLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates and returns the preferred size of the container based on the given hints.
protected   Dimension ScrollBarLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure parent, int w, int h)
  Dimension ScalableLayeredPane. getMinimumSize (int wHint, int hHint)
  Dimension ScalableLayeredPane. getPreferredSize (int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension PopUpHelper. getShellTrimSize ()
          Returns the size needed to display the shell's trim.
  Dimension LayoutManager. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the minimum size of the given figure.
  Dimension LayoutManager. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the preferred size of the given figure, using width and height hints.
protected   Dimension Label. calculateLabelSize ( Dimension txtSize)
          Calculates the size of the Label using the passed Dimension as the size of the Label's text.
protected   Dimension Label. calculateSubStringTextSize ()
          Calculates the size of the Label's text size.
protected   Dimension Label. calculateTextSize ()
          Calculates and returns the size of the Label's text.
  Dimension Label. getMinimumSize (int w, int h)
  Dimension Label. getPreferredSize (int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension Label. getSubStringTextSize ()
          Returns the size of the Label's current text.
protected   Dimension Label. getTextSize ()
          Returns the size of the label's complete text.
protected   Dimension Label. getIconSize ()
          Gets the icon size
  Dimension ImageFigure. getPreferredSize (int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the necessary size to display the Image within the figure's client area.
  Dimension IFigure. getMaximumSize ()
          Returns a hint indicating the largest desireable size for the IFigure.
  Dimension IFigure. getMinimumSize ()
          Returns a hint indicating the smallest desireable size for the IFigure.
  Dimension IFigure. getMinimumSize (int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns a hint indicating the smallest desireable size for the IFigure.
  Dimension IFigure. getPreferredSize ()
          Returns the preferred size for this IFigure.
  Dimension IFigure. getPreferredSize (int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the preferred size for this IFigure using the provided width and height hints.
  Dimension IFigure. getSize ()
          Returns the current size.
  Dimension GroupBoxBorder. getPreferredSize ( IFigure fig)
protected   Dimension GridLayout. getChildSize ( IFigure child, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension GridLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension FlowLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension FlowLayout. getChildSize ( IFigure child, int wHint, int hHint)
          Provides the given child's preferred size.
static  Dimension FigureUtilities. getTextExtents (java.lang.String text, Font f)
          Returns the Dimensions of the given text, converting newlines and tabs appropriately.
static  Dimension FigureUtilities. getStringExtents (java.lang.String s, Font f)
          Returns the Dimensions of s in Font f.
  Dimension Figure. getMaximumSize ()
  Dimension Figure. getMinimumSize ()
  Dimension Figure. getMinimumSize (int wHint, int hHint)
  Dimension Figure. getPreferredSize ()
  Dimension Figure. getPreferredSize (int wHint, int hHint)
  Dimension Figure. getSize ()
protected   Dimension DelegatingLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure parent, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the preferred size of the given Figure.
  Dimension CompoundBorder. getPreferredSize ( IFigure fig)
protected   Dimension BorderLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
protected   Dimension BorderLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
  Dimension Border. getPreferredSize ( IFigure figure)
          Returns the preferred width and height that this border would like to display itself properly.
protected abstract   Dimension AbstractLayout. calculatePreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the preferred size of the given figure, using width and height hints.
protected   Dimension AbstractLayout. getBorderPreferredSize ( IFigure container)
          Returns the preferred size of the figure's border.
  Dimension AbstractLayout. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
  Dimension AbstractLayout. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the preferred size of the given figure, using width and height hints.
  Dimension AbstractLabeledBorder. getPreferredSize ( IFigure fig)
protected   Dimension AbstractLabeledBorder. getTextExtents ( IFigure f)
          Calculates and returns the size required by this border's label.
protected   Dimension AbstractHintLayout. calculateMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Calculates the minimum size using the given width and height hints.
  Dimension AbstractHintLayout. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int w, int h)
  Dimension AbstractHintLayout. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container, int w, int h)
  Dimension AbstractBorder. getPreferredSize ( IFigure f)

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type Dimension
 void RoundedRectangle. setCornerDimensions ( Dimension d)
          Sets the dimensions of each corner.
 void RelativeBendpoint. setRelativeDimensions ( Dimension dim1, Dimension dim2)
          Sets the Dimensions representing the X and Y distances this Bendpoint is from the start and end points of the Connection.
protected   Dimension Label. calculateLabelSize ( Dimension txtSize)
          Calculates the size of the Label using the passed Dimension as the size of the Label's text.
 void Label. setIconDimension ( Dimension d)
          Deprecated. the icon is automatically displayed at 1:1
 void IFigure. setMaximumSize ( Dimension size)
          Sets the maximum size this IFigure can be.
 void IFigure. setMinimumSize ( Dimension size)
          Sets the minimum size this IFigure can be.
 void IFigure. setPreferredSize ( Dimension size)
          Sets this IFigure's preferred size.
 void IFigure. setSize ( Dimension d)
          Sets this IFigure's size.
static void FigureUtilities. getTextExtents (java.lang.String s, Font f, Dimension result)
          Returns the Dimensions of the given text, converting newlines and tabs appropriately.
 void Figure. setMaximumSize ( Dimension d)
 void Figure. setMinimumSize ( Dimension d)
 void Figure. setPreferredSize ( Dimension size)
 void Figure. setSize ( Dimension d)
protected   Rectangle AbstractLocator. getNewBounds ( Dimension size, Point center)
          Recalculate the location of the figure according to its desired position relative to the center point.

Uses of Dimension in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry

Subclasses of Dimension in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry
 class PrecisionDimension

Fields in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry declared as Dimension
static  Dimension Dimension. SINGLETON
          A singleton for use in short calculations.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry that return Dimension
  Dimension Transposer. t ( Dimension d)
          Returns a new transposed Dimension of the input Dimension.
  Dimension Rectangle. getSize ()
          Retuns the dimensions of this Rectangle.
  Dimension Point. getDifference ( Point pt)
          Calculates the difference in between this Point and the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. getCopy ()
          Creates and returns a copy of this Dimension.
  Dimension Dimension. getDifference ( Dimension d)
          Creates and returns a new Dimension representing the difference between this Dimension and the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. getExpanded ( Dimension d)
          Creates and returns a Dimension representing the sum of this Dimension and the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. getExpanded (int w, int h)
          Creates and returns a new Dimension representing the sum of this Dimension and the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. getIntersected ( Dimension d)
          Creates and returns a new Dimension representing the intersection of this Dimension and the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. getNegated ()
          Creates and returns a new Dimension with negated values.
  Dimension Dimension. expand ( Dimension d)
          Expands the size of this Dimension by the specified amount.
  Dimension Dimension. expand ( Point pt)
          Expands the size of this Dimension by the specified amound.
  Dimension Dimension. expand (int w, int h)
          Expands the size of this Dimension by the specified width and height.
  Dimension Dimension. getScaled (double amount)
          Creates a new Dimension with its width and height scaled by the specified value.
  Dimension Dimension. getTransposed ()
          Creates a new Dimension with its height and width swapped.
  Dimension Dimension. getUnioned ( Dimension d)
          Creates a new Dimension representing the union of this Dimension with the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. intersect ( Dimension d)
          This Dimension is intersected with the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. negate ()
          Negates the width and height of this Dimension.
  Dimension Dimension. scale (double amount)
          Scales the width and height of this Dimension by the amount supplied, and returns this for convenience.
  Dimension Dimension. scale (double w, double h)
          Scales the width of this Dimension by w and scales the height of this Dimension by h.
  Dimension Dimension. shrink (int w, int h)
          Reduces the width of this Dimension by w, and reduces the height of this Dimension by h.
  Dimension Dimension. transpose ()
          Swaps the width and height of this Dimension, and returns this for convenience.
  Dimension Dimension. union ( Dimension d)
          Sets the width of this Dimension to the greater of this Dimension's width and d.width.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry with parameters of type Dimension
  Dimension Transposer. t ( Dimension d)
          Returns a new transposed Dimension of the input Dimension.
  Rectangle Rectangle. getResized ( Dimension d)
          Returns a new Rectangle which is equivalent to this Rectangle with its dimensions modified by the passed Dimension d.
  Rectangle Rectangle. resize ( Dimension sizeDelta)
          Resizes this Rectangle by the Dimension provided as input and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. setSize ( Dimension d)
          Sets the width and height of this Rectangle to the width and height of the given Dimension and returns this for convenience.
  Rectangle Rectangle. union ( Dimension d)
          Unions this Rectangle's width and height with the specified Dimension.
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. resize ( Dimension sizeDelta)
  Rectangle PrecisionRectangle. setSize ( Dimension d)
  Point Point. getTranslated ( Dimension delta)
          Creates a new Point which is translated by the values of the input Dimension.
  Point Point. translate ( Dimension d)
          Shifts this Point by the values of the Dimension along each axis, and returns this for convenience.
 boolean Dimension. contains ( Dimension d)
          Returns true if the input Dimension fits into this Dimension.
 boolean Dimension. containsProper ( Dimension d)
          Returns true if this Dimension properly contains the one specified.
 void Dimension. setSize ( Dimension d)
          Copies the width and height values of the input Dimension to this Dimension.
  Dimension Dimension. getDifference ( Dimension d)
          Creates and returns a new Dimension representing the difference between this Dimension and the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. getExpanded ( Dimension d)
          Creates and returns a Dimension representing the sum of this Dimension and the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. getIntersected ( Dimension d)
          Creates and returns a new Dimension representing the intersection of this Dimension and the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. expand ( Dimension d)
          Expands the size of this Dimension by the specified amount.
  Dimension Dimension. getUnioned ( Dimension d)
          Creates a new Dimension representing the union of this Dimension with the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. intersect ( Dimension d)
          This Dimension is intersected with the one specified.
  Dimension Dimension. union ( Dimension d)
          Sets the width of this Dimension to the greater of this Dimension's width and d.width.

Constructors in org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry with parameters of type Dimension
Rectangle ( Point p, Dimension size)
          Constructs a Rectangle given a location and size.
PrecisionDimension ( Dimension d)
          Constructs a precision representation of the given dimension.
Dimension ( Dimension d)
          Constructs a Dimension with the width and height of the passed Dimension.

Uses of Dimension in org.eclipse.draw2d.graph

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.graph that return Dimension
  Dimension DirectedGraph. getLayoutSize ()

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.graph with parameters of type Dimension
 void Node. setSize ( Dimension size)
          Sets the size of this node to the given dimension.

Uses of Dimension in

Methods in that return Dimension
  Dimension Thumbnail. getPreferredSize (int wHint, int hHint)
          Returns the preferred size of this Thumbnail.

Uses of Dimension in org.eclipse.draw2d.text

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.text that return Dimension
  Dimension FlowPage. getMinimumSize (int w, int h)
  Dimension FlowPage. getPreferredSize (int width, int h)
  Dimension FlowFigureLayout. getMinimumSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Not applicable.
  Dimension FlowFigureLayout. getPreferredSize ( IFigure container, int wHint, int hHint)
          Not applicable.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d.text with parameters of type Dimension
 int TextFlow. getOffset ( Point p, int[] trailing, Dimension proximity)
          Returns the offset of the character directly below or nearest the given location.

Eclipse Draw2d

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire