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Eclipse Draw2d

Uses of Class

Packages that use Shape
org.eclipse.draw2d Primary package containing general interfaces and implementation classes. 

Uses of Shape in org.eclipse.draw2d

Subclasses of Shape in org.eclipse.draw2d
 class AbstractPointListShape
          Base superclass for all polylines/polygons
 class Ellipse
          An figure that draws an ellipse filling its bounds.
 class Polygon
          Renders a PointList as a polygonal shape.
 class PolygonDecoration
          A rotatable, polygon shaped decoration most commonly used for decorating the ends of polylines.
 class PolygonShape
          Renders a PointList as a polygonal shape.
 class Polyline
          Renders a PointList as a series of line segments.
 class PolylineConnection
          An implementation of Connection based on Polyline.
 class PolylineDecoration
          A decorative Figure intended to be placed on a Polyline.
 class PolylineShape
          Renders a PointList as a series of line segments.
 class RectangleFigure
          Draws a rectangle whose size is determined by the bounds set to it.
 class RoundedRectangle
          Draws a Rectangle whose corners are rounded in appearance.
 class ScalablePolygonShape
          Renders a PointList as a polygonal shape scaled in accordance with bounds to fill whole figure.
 class Triangle
          A triangular graphical figure.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d that return Shape
static  Shape FigureUtilities. makeGhostShape ( Shape s)
          Produces a ghosting effect on the shape s.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type Shape
static  Shape FigureUtilities. makeGhostShape ( Shape s)
          Produces a ghosting effect on the shape s.

Eclipse Draw2d

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire