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Eclipse Draw2d

Uses of Class

Packages that use Layer
org.eclipse.draw2d Primary package containing general interfaces and implementation classes. 

Uses of Layer in org.eclipse.draw2d

Subclasses of Layer in org.eclipse.draw2d
 class ConnectionLayer
          Layer designed specifically to handle the presence of connections.
 class FreeformLayer
          A Layer that can extend in all 4 directions.
 class FreeformLayeredPane
          A LayeredPane that contains FreeformLayers.
 class LayeredPane
          A figure capable of holding any number of layers.
 class ScalableFreeformLayeredPane
 class ScalableLayeredPane
          A non-freeform, scalable layered pane.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d that return Layer
  Layer LayeredPane. getLayer (java.lang.Object key)
          Returns the layer identified by the key given in the input.
protected   Layer LayeredPane. getLayer (int index)
          Returns the layer at the specified index in this pane.

Methods in org.eclipse.draw2d with parameters of type Layer
 void LayeredPane. addLayerAfter ( Layer layer, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object after)
          Adds the given layer, identifiable with the given key, under the after layer provided in the input.
 void LayeredPane. addLayerBefore ( Layer layer, java.lang.Object key, java.lang.Object before)
          Adds the given layer, identifiable with the given key, above the before layer provided in the input.

Eclipse Draw2d

Copyright (c) IBM Corp. and others 2000, 2007. All Rights Reserved.

  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire