Out of the box, the EMF Validation Framework provides support for defining constraints in
two languages: Java and OCL. Clients can plug in additional languages by providing
constraint parsers on the
extension point. Extension associate an implementation of the
interface with an unique language name.
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The IConstraintParser interface exists to unify the deprecated
IXmlConstraintParser and new
interfaces. A constraint parser accepts an
bearing its language and parameters which a
constraint provider will supply according to what the
language requires. If the descriptor supplied by a constraint provider does not have all of
the parameters required by the constraint parser, it should throw a
The following example is the framework's OCL constraint parser, from the
org.eclipse.emf.validation.ocl plug-in:
public IModelConstraint parseConstraint(IParameterizedConstraintDescriptor desc) {
return new EcoreOCLConstraint(desc);
public class OCLConstraintParser implements IParameterizedConstraintParser {
public IModelConstraint parseConstraint(IParameterizedConstraintDescriptor desc) {
return new EcoreOCLConstraint(desc);
private static class EcoreOCLConstraint
extends AbstractOCLModelConstraint<EClassifier, Constraint, EClass, EObject> {
EcoreOCLConstraint(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor) {
protected EcoreEnvironmentFactory createOCLEnvironmentFactory() {
return EcoreEnvironmentFactory.INSTANCE;
class obtains an OCL expression from the body attribute of the
constraint descriptor and parses it in the context of the EClass(es)
that the constraint targets. The framework's implementation assumes a basic Ecore environment.
Clients may define their own variants of the OCL language, via constraint parsers that create
custom subclasses of the AbstractOCLModelConstraint, in order to
- use a different environment implementation (e.g., for the UML metamodel)
- introduce custom ("global") variables
- to use an OCL environment that includes additional operations and/or attributes,
themselves defined using OCL
See the
MDT OCL Programmer's Guide
for more information about working with OCL.
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