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Eclipse EMF Validation Framework
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Package org.eclipse.emf.validation.xml

The API for specification and processing of constraints in XML.


Interface Summary
IXmlConstraintDescriptor Deprecated. Use the IParameterizedConstraintDescriptor interface, instead.
IXmlConstraintParser Deprecated. Use the IParameterizedConstraintParser interface, instead.

Class Summary
AbstractXmlConstraintDescriptor This class provides an abstract implementation of an XML constraint descriptor that is used to provide descriptions of a particular constraint from an IConfigurationElement.
XmlConstraintProvider A convenient implementation of the IModelConstraintProvider interface which loads constraints from a plug-in's manifest XML.

Exception Summary
ConstraintParserException A checked exception indicating failure to parse a constraint.

Package org.eclipse.emf.validation.xml Description

The API for specification and processing of constraints in XML.

Package Specification

The types in this package constitute the provisional API for constraints contributed via XML from plug-in manifests. The XmlConstraintProvider is a constraint provider implementation that loads constraint meta-data from the constraintProviders extension point into IXmlConstraintDescriptors and uses the ConstraintFactory to create constraint objects from them.

Dynamic constraint providers may use the API in this package to specify constraints in languages that are supplied to the system by other plug-ins, and use the ConstraintFactory to instantiate constraints from these specifications:

  • IXmlConstraintDescriptor: the meta-data interface for constraints specified in plug-in manifest XML
  • IXmlConstraintParser: a constraint parser understands a constraint specification (in the form of an IXmlConstraintDescriptor in a particular language and can construct an implementation of the IModelConstraint interface from it
  • XmlConstraintProvider: the default provider implementation used by plug-ins that specify constraints in the XML. Not generally used in any other way by plug-ins

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