Interface ITraversalStrategy
All Known Implementing Classes:
public interface ITraversalStrategy
A strategy for traversal of one or more model sub-trees in batch validation.
The traversal strategy is responsible for providing elements to an
IBatchValidator in whatever order the implementation defines, and
also for updating the validation progress monitor periodically.
Note that traversal is performed over some number (possibly greater than one)
of traversal roots. The validation system makes no assumption about
the relationships between these roots (e.g., containment), so it is up to
the strategy implementation to determine whether any optimization can be
made in processing these sub-trees (e.g., determining that some roots will be
covered by traversal of others).
See Also:
Method Summary
EObject element,
IStatus status)
Called by the validation system to indicate that another element has
been validated. |
Queries whether there is another element to be validated. |
Queries whether the next element in the traversal will
potentially be in a different
client context
than the one before. |
Obtains the next element in the traversal. |
Collection<? extends
EObject> traversalRoots,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
Called at the start of validation to provide the sub-trees that are to
be validated and a progress monitor to track the operation's progress. |
void startTraversal(
Collection<? extends
EObject> traversalRoots,
IProgressMonitor monitor)
- Called at the start of validation to provide the sub-trees that are to
be validated and a progress monitor to track the operation's progress.
The receiver must initialize the
monitor by invoking the
IProgressMonitor.beginTask(java.lang.String, int) method on it.
Periodically, the receiver should also update the progress via the
IProgressMonitor.worked(int) method. The validator will not
make any attempt to update the progress, except that it will call
IProgressMonitor.done() when validation is complete (the
traversal strategy should not call done() ).
traversalRoots - a collection of one or more
EObject s.
It is never empty, but neither is it modifiable -
monitor - the progress monitor used to track progress. The receiver
may retain this progress monitor for the duration of the traversal
boolean hasNext()
- Queries whether there is another element to be validated.
true if another element can be obtained from the
next() method; false , otherwise
EObject next()
- Obtains the next element in the traversal. Should throw if
hasNext() would return false .
- the next element in the traversal
- if there are no more elements
in the traversal
boolean isClientContextChanged()
- Queries whether the next element in the traversal will
potentially be in a different
client context
than the one before. The validation framework will then re-compute the
current client context. If there is no next element, then this method's
return value is undefined.
At a minimum, every traversal root passed into the
startTraversal(Collection, IProgressMonitor) method should be
considered as a new client context.
A pessimistic implementation of this method may always return
true . This results in absolutely correct validation, but
may hamper performance where assumptions can be made about the
delineation of client contexts.
A good rule-of-thumb for determining when the client context may change
is as follows:
- every traversal root defines a client context (see above)
- any object traversed by a non-containment reference may change
the client context
- any object traversed by a containment relationship does not
change the client context (it is in the same sub-tree), unless
that element is an
EAnnotation s are commonly used to bridge between
metamodels. It is probably a good idea to return true
for annotations and their contents (as no assumption about the
nature of the metamodel and its client applications can be made)
Individual traversal strategies may be more or less optimistic than this
rough guide, especially when they are contributed in tandem with
client contexts by the same client application.
true if the next object to be returned by the
next() method is potentially in a different client context
than the previous (thereby requiring the validation framework to
recompute the context); false if the object can be
assumed to be in the same context as the previous
void elementValidated(
EObject element,
IStatus status)
- Called by the validation system to indicate that another element has
been validated. The receiver is encouraged to take this opportunity to
update the progress monitor (the number of work units may vary each
element - the element that was validated -
status - the element 's validation status, indicating
success or failure of its constraints. The receiver may with use
this information to exclude or include portions of the model based
on the status of the element