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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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31.6. Displaying guest details

You can use the Virtual Machine Monitor to view activity information for any virtual machines on your system.
To view a virtual system's details:
  1. In the Virtual Machine Manager main window, highlight the virtual machine that you want to view.
    Selecting a virtual machine to display
    Figure 31.8. Selecting a virtual machine to display

  2. From the Virtual Machine Manager Edit menu, select Virtual Machine Details.
    Displaying the virtual machine details
    Figure 31.9. Displaying the virtual machine details

    On the Virtual Machine window, select Overview from the navigation pane on the left hand side.
    The Overview view shows a summary of configuration details for the virtualized guest.
    Displaying guest details overview
    Figure 31.10. Displaying guest details overview

  3. Select Performance from the navigation pane on the left hand side.
    The Performance view shows a summary of guest performance, including CPU and Memory usage.
    Displaying guest performance details
    Figure 31.11. Displaying guest performance details

  4. Select Processor from the navigation pane on the left hand side. The Processor view allows you to view or change the current processor allocation.
    Processor allocation panel
    Figure 31.12. Processor allocation panel

  5. Select Memory from the navigation pane on the left hand side. The Memory view allows you to view or change the current memory allocation.
    Displaying memory allocation
    Figure 31.13. Displaying memory allocation

  6. Each virtual disk attached to the virtual machine is displayed in the navigation pane. Click on a virtual disk to modify or remove it.
    Displaying disk configuration
    Figure 31.14. Displaying disk configuration

  7. Each virtual network interface attached to the virtual machine is displayed in the nagivation pane. Click on a virtual network interface to modify or remove it.
    Displaying network configuration
    Figure 31.15. Displaying network configuration

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