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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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9.3. Other Package Changes

Updated Packages
The following table lists updated packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and a description of noteworthy changes.
Table 9.1. Updated Package
Updated Packages Description
OProfile OProfile has been updated to 0.9.5. This newer version includes support for Intel Atom and i7 processors, AMD Family 11h processors, and the Instruction Based Sampling (IBS) feature in AMD Family 10h.
module-init-tools /etc/modprobe.conf does not exist by default. Can still be used if manually created.

Discontinued Packages
The following table lists discontinued (removed) packages in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 and their replacements.
Table 9.2. Discontinued Packages
Discontinued Package Replaced By
aspell hunspell. aspell is only provided as a build dependency. Applications that want to use spell-checking must use hunspell.
beecrypt NSS/OpenSSL
crash-spu-commands None. Cell-specific packages no longer included.
dhcpv6/dhcpv6-client dhcp/dhclient binaries now have IPv6 capability built in.
elfspe2 None. Cell-specific packages no longer included.
exim Postfix
gnbd iSCSI recommended for use instead.
gnome-vfs gvfs
ipsec-tools Openswan
kmod-gnbd iSCSI recommended for use instead.
lam openmpi
libspe2 None. Cell-specific packages no longer included.
libspe2-devel None. Cell-specific packages no longer included.
linuxwacom xorg-x11-drv-wacom
mkinitrd dracut
nss_ldap nss_pam_ldapd, pam_ldap
openmotif-2.2 openmotif-2.3
pidgin empathy
spu-tools None. Cell-specific packages no longer included.
switchdesk The session management performed by both supported session managers: GDM and KDM.
syslog rsyslog
SysVinit upstart
vixie-cron cronie

Deprecated Packages
  • qt3
  • GFS1
  • gcj - Included in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 for performance reasons, however gcj is not likely to be included in future releases.

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