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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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6.3.3. OProfile Plug-in For Eclipse

The OProfile suite of tools provide powerful call profiling capabilities; as a plug-in, these capabilities are well ported into the Eclipse user interface. The OProfile Plug-in provides the following benefits:
Targeted Profiling
The OProfile Plug-in will allow Eclipse users to profile a specific binary, include related shared libraries/kernel modules, and even exclude binaries. This produces very targeted, detailed usage results on each binary, function, and symbol, down to individual line numbers in the source code.
User Interface Fully Integrated into CDT
The plug-in displays enriched OProfile results through Eclipse, just like any other plug-in. Double-clicking on a source line in the results brings users directly to the corresponding line in the Eclipse editor. This allows users to build, profile, and edit code through a single interface, making profiling a convenient experience for Eclipse users. In addition, profile runs are launched and configured the same way as C/C++ applications within Eclipse.
Fully Customizable Profiling Options
The Eclipse interface allows users to configure their profile run using all options available in the OProfile command-line utility. The plug-in supports event configuration based on processor debugging registers (i.e. counters), as well as interrupt-based profiling for kernels or processors that don't support hardware counters.
Ease of Use
The OProfile Plug-in provides generally useful defaults for all options, usable for a majority of profiling runs. In addition, it also features a "one-click profile" that executes a profile run using these defaults. Users can profile applications from start to finish, or select specific areas of code through a manual control dialog.
The OProfile plug-in for Eclipse is provided by the eclipse-oprofile package. For more information about this plug-in, refer to OProfile Integration User Guide in the Eclipse Help Contents (also provided by eclipse-profile).

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