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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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9.3.3. Using the sftp Utility

The sftp utility can be used to open a secure, interactive FTP session. In its design, it is similar to ftp except that it uses a secure, encrypted connection.
To connect to a remote system, use a command in the following form:
sftp username@hostname
For example, to log in to a remote machine named with john as a username, type:
~]$ sftp [email protected]
[email protected]'s password:
Connected to
After you enter the correct password, you will be presented with a prompt. The sftp utility accepts a set of commands similar to those used by ftp (see Table 9.3, “A selection of available sftp commands”).
Table 9.3. A selection of available sftp commands
Command Description
ls [directory] List the content of a remote directory. If none is supplied, a current working directory is used by default.
cd directory Change the remote working directory to directory.
mkdir directory Create a remote directory.
rmdir path Remove a remote directory.
put localfile [remotefile] Transfer localfile to a remote machine.
get remotefile [localfile] Transfer remotefile from a remote machine.

For a complete list of available commands, refer to the sftp man page.

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