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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

Purchase a copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) Essentials

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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4.2. Installing Red Hat Virtualization on an existing Red Hat Enterprise Linux system

The section describes the steps necessary to install Red Hat Virtualization on a working copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
Adding packages to your list of Red Hat Network entitlements
This section describes how to enable Red Hat Network(RHN) entitlements for the Red Hat Virtualization packages. You need these entitlements enabled to install and update the virtualization packages on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. You require a valid Red Hat Network account in order to install Red Hat Virtualization on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
In addition, your machines must be registered with RHN. To register an unregistered installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, run the rhn_register command and follow the prompts.
If you do not have a valid Red Hat subscription, visit the Red Hat online store.
Procedure 4.1. Adding the Virtualization entitlement with RHN
  1. Log in to RHN using your RHN username and password.
  2. Select the systems you want to install Red Hat Virtualization on.
  3. In the System Properties section the present systems entitlements are listed next to the Entitlements header. Use the (Edit These Properties) link to change your entitlements.
  4. Select the Virtualization checkbox.
Your system is now entitled to receive the Red Hat Virtualization packages. The next section covers installing these packages.
Installing Red Hat Virtualization with yum
To use virtualization on Red Hat Enterprise Linux you need the xen and kernel-xen packages. The xen package contains the hypervisor and basic virtualization tools. The kernel-xen package contains a modified linux kernel which runs as a virtual machine guest on the hypervisor.
To install the xen and kernel-xen packages, run:
# yum install xen kernel-xen
Fully virtualized guests on the Itanium® architecture require the guest firmware image package(xen-ia64-guest-firmware) from the supplementary installation DVD. This package can also be can be installed from RHN with the yum command:
# yum install xen-ia64-guest-firmware
It is advised to install additional virtualization packages for management and configuration. Recommended virtualization packages: lists the recommended packages.
Install the other recommended virtualization packages:
# yum install virt-manager libvirt libvirt-python libvirt-python python-virtinst

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