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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Book now available.

Purchase a copy of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 (RHEL 9) Essentials

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 9 Essentials Print and eBook (PDF) editions contain 34 chapters and 298 pages

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Part I.  x86, AMD64, Intel® 64 and Itanium- Installation and Booting

The Red Hat Enterprise Linux Installation Guide for Intel and AMD 32-bit and 64-bit systems discusses the installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux and some basic post-installation troubleshooting. Advanced installation options are covered in the second part of this manual.

Table of Contents

1. Itanium System Specific Information
1.1. Itanium System Installation Overview
1.2. Itanium Systems — The EFI Shell
1.2.1. Itanium Systems — EFI Device Names
1.2.2. Itanium Systems — EFI System Partition
2. Steps to Get You Started
2.1. Upgrade or Install?
2.2. Is Your Hardware Compatible?
2.3. Do You Have Enough Disk Space?
2.4. Can You Install Using the CD-ROM or DVD?
2.4.1. Alternative Boot Methods
2.4.2. Making an Installation Boot CD-ROM
2.5. Preparing for a Network Installation
2.5.1. Preparing for FTP and HTTP installation
2.5.2. Preparing for an NFS install
2.6. Preparing for a Hard Drive Installation
3. System Specifications List
4. Installing on Intel® and AMD Systems
4.1. The Graphical Installation Program User Interface
4.1.1. A Note about Virtual Consoles
4.2. The Text Mode Installation Program User Interface
4.2.1. Using the Keyboard to Navigate
4.3. Starting the Installation Program
4.3.1. Booting the Installation Program on x86, AMD64, and Intel® 64 Systems
4.3.2. Booting the Installation Program on Itanium Systems
4.3.3. Additional Boot Options
4.4. Selecting an Installation Method
4.5. Installing from DVD/CD-ROM
4.5.1. What If the IDE CD-ROM Was Not Found?
4.6. Installing from a Hard Drive
4.7. Performing a Network Installation
4.8. Installing via NFS
4.9. Installing via FTP
4.10. Installing via HTTP
4.11. Welcome to Red Hat Enterprise Linux
4.12. Language Selection
4.13. Keyboard Configuration
4.14. Enter the Installation Number
4.15. Disk Partitioning Setup
4.16. Advanced Storage Options
4.17. Create Default Layout
4.18. Partitioning Your System
4.18.1. Graphical Display of Hard Drive(s)
4.18.2. Disk Druid 's Buttons
4.18.3. Partition Fields
4.18.4. Recommended Partitioning Scheme
4.18.5. Adding Partitions
4.18.6. Editing Partitions
4.18.7. Deleting a Partition
4.19. x86, AMD64, and Intel® 64 Boot Loader Configuration
4.19.1. Advanced Boot Loader Configuration
4.19.2. Rescue Mode
4.19.3. Alternative Boot Loaders
4.19.4. SMP Motherboards and GRUB
4.20. Network Configuration
4.21. Time Zone Configuration
4.22. Set Root Password
4.23. Package Group Selection
4.24. Preparing to Install
4.24.1. Prepare to Install
4.25. Installing Packages
4.26. Installation Complete
4.27. Itanium Systems — Booting Your Machine and Post-Installation Setup
4.27.1. Post-Installation Boot Loader Options
4.27.2. Booting Red Hat Enterprise Linux Automatically
5. Removing Red Hat Enterprise Linux
6. Troubleshooting Installation on an Intel® or AMD System
6.1. You are Unable to Boot Red Hat Enterprise Linux
6.1.1. Are You Unable to Boot With Your RAID Card?
6.1.2. Is Your System Displaying Signal 11 Errors?
6.2. Trouble Beginning the Installation
6.2.1. Problems with Booting into the Graphical Installation
6.3. Trouble During the Installation
6.3.1. No devices found to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux Error Message
6.3.2. Saving Traceback Messages Without a Diskette Drive
6.3.3. Trouble with Partition Tables
6.3.4. Using Remaining Space
6.3.5. Other Partitioning Problems
6.3.6. Other Partitioning Problems for Itanium System Users
6.3.7. Are You Seeing Python Errors?
6.4. Problems After Installation
6.4.1. Trouble With the Graphical GRUB Screen on an x86-based System?
6.4.2. Booting into a Graphical Environment
6.4.3. Problems with the X Window System (GUI)
6.4.4. Problems with the X Server Crashing and Non-Root Users
6.4.5. Problems When You Try to Log In
6.4.6. Is Your RAM Not Being Recognized?
6.4.7. Your Printer Does Not Work
6.4.8. Problems with Sound Configuration
6.4.9. Apache-based httpd service/Sendmail Hangs During Startup
7. Driver Media for Intel® and AMD Systems
7.1. Why Do I Need Driver Media?
7.2. So What Is Driver Media Anyway?
7.3. How Do I Obtain Driver Media?
7.3.1. Creating a Driver Diskette from an Image File
7.4. Using a Driver Image During Installation
8. Additional Boot Options for Intel® and AMD Systems
9. The GRUB Boot Loader
9.1. Boot Loaders and System Architecture
9.2. GRUB
9.2.1. GRUB and the x86 Boot Process
9.2.2. Features of GRUB
9.3. Installing GRUB
9.4. GRUB Terminology
9.4.1. Device Names
9.4.2. File Names and Blocklists
9.4.3. The Root File System and GRUB
9.5. GRUB Interfaces
9.5.1. Interfaces Load Order
9.6. GRUB Commands
9.7. GRUB Menu Configuration File
9.7.1. Configuration File Structure
9.7.2. Configuration File Directives
9.8. Changing Runlevels at Boot Time
9.9. Additional Resources
9.9.1. Installed Documentation
9.9.2. Useful Websites
9.9.3. Related Books
10. Additional Resources about Itanium and Linux

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