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Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4

Reference Guide

Table of Contents
1. Changes To This Manual
2. Architecture-specific Information
3. Finding Appropriate Documentation
3.1. Documentation For First-Time Linux Users
3.2. For the More Experienced
3.3. Documentation for Linux Gurus
4. Document Conventions
5. Activate Your Subscription
5.1. Provide a Red Hat Login
5.2. Provide Your Subscription Number
5.3. Connect Your System
6. Using the Mouse
7. Copying and Pasting Text With X
8. More to Come
8.1. We Need Feedback!
I. System Reference
1. Boot Process, Init, and Shutdown
1.1. The Boot Process
1.2. A Detailed Look at the Boot Process
1.3. Running Additional Programs at Boot Time
1.4. SysV Init Runlevels
1.5. Shutting Down
2. The GRUB Boot Loader
2.1. Boot Loaders and System Architecture
2.2. GRUB
2.3. Installing GRUB
2.4. GRUB Terminology
2.5. GRUB Interfaces
2.6. GRUB Commands
2.7. GRUB Menu Configuration File
2.8. Changing Runlevels at Boot Time
2.9. Additional Resources
3. File System Structure
3.1. Why Share a Common Structure?
3.2. Overview of File System Hierarchy Standard (FHS)
3.3. Special File Locations Under Red Hat Enterprise Linux
4. The sysconfig Directory
4.1. Files in the /etc/sysconfig/ Directory
4.2. Directories in the /etc/sysconfig/ Directory
4.3. Additional Resources
5. The proc File System
5.1. A Virtual File System
5.2. Top-level Files within the proc File System
5.3. Directories within /proc/
5.4. Using the sysctl Command
5.5. Additional Resources
6. Users and Groups
6.1. User and Group Management Tools
6.2. Standard Users
6.3. Standard Groups
6.4. User Private Groups
6.5. Shadow Passwords
6.6. Additional Resources
7. The X Window System
7.1. The X11R6.8 Release
7.2. Desktop Environments and Window Managers
7.3. X Server Configuration Files
7.4. Fonts
7.5. Runlevels and X
7.6. Additional Resources
II. Network Services Reference
8. Network Interfaces
8.1. Network Configuration Files
8.2. Interface Configuration Files
8.3. Interface Control Scripts
8.4. Network Function Files
8.5. Additional Resources
9. Network File System (NFS)
9.1. How It Works
9.2. Starting and Stopping NFS
9.3. NFS Server Configuration
9.4. NFS Client Configuration Files
9.5. Securing NFS
9.6. Additional Resources
10. Apache HTTP Server
10.1. Apache HTTP Server 2.0
10.2. Migrating Apache HTTP Server 1.3 Configuration Files
10.3. After Installation
10.4. Starting and Stopping httpd
10.5. Configuration Directives in httpd.conf
10.6. Default Modules
10.7. Adding Modules
10.8. Virtual Hosts
10.9. Additional Resources
11. Email
11.1. Email Protocols
11.2. Email Program Classifications
11.3. Mail Transport Agents
11.4. Mail Delivery Agents
11.5. Mail User Agents
11.6. Additional Resources
12. Berkeley Internet Name Domain (BIND)
12.1. Introduction to DNS
12.2. /etc/named.conf
12.3. Zone Files
12.4. Using rndc
12.5. Advanced Features of BIND
12.6. Common Mistakes to Avoid
12.7. Additional Resources
13. Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
13.1. Why Use LDAP?
13.2. LDAP Terminology
13.3. OpenLDAP Daemons and Utilities
13.4. OpenLDAP Configuration Files
13.5. The /etc/openldap/schema/ Directory
13.6. OpenLDAP Setup Overview
13.7. Configuring a System to Authenticate Using OpenLDAP
13.8. Migrating Directories from Earlier Releases
13.9. Additional Resources
14. Samba
14.1. Introduction to Samba
14.2. Samba Daemons and Related Services
14.3. Samba Server Types and the smb.conf File
14.4. Samba Security Modes
14.5. Samba Account Information Databases
14.6. Samba Network Browsing
14.7. Samba with CUPS Printing Support
14.8. Samba Distribution Programs
14.9. Additional Resources
15. FTP
15.1. The File Transport Protocol
15.2. FTP Servers
15.3. Files Installed with vsftpd
15.4. Starting and Stopping vsftpd
15.5. vsftpd Configuration Options
15.6. Additional Resources
III. Security Reference
16. Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)
16.1. Advantages of PAM
16.2. PAM Configuration Files
16.3. PAM Configuration File Format
16.4. Sample PAM Configuration Files
16.5. Creating PAM Modules
16.6. PAM and Administrative Credential Caching
16.7. PAM and Device Ownership
16.8. Additional Resources
17. TCP Wrappers and xinetd
17.1. TCP Wrappers
17.2. TCP Wrappers Configuration Files
17.3. xinetd
17.4. xinetd Configuration Files
17.5. Additional Resources
18. iptables
18.1. Packet Filtering
18.2. Differences between iptables and ipchains
18.3. Options Used within iptables Commands
18.4. Saving iptables Rules
18.5. iptables Control Scripts
18.6. ip6tables and IPv6
18.7. Additional Resources
19. Kerberos
19.1. What is Kerberos?
19.2. Kerberos Terminology
19.3. How Kerberos Works
19.4. Kerberos and PAM
19.5. Configuring a Kerberos 5 Server
19.6. Configuring a Kerberos 5 Client
19.7. Additional Resources
20. SSH Protocol
20.1. Features of SSH
20.2. SSH Protocol Versions
20.3. Event Sequence of an SSH Connection
20.4. OpenSSH Configuration Files
20.5. More Than a Secure Shell
20.6. Requiring SSH for Remote Connections
20.7. Additional Resources
21. SELinux
21.1. Introduction to SELinux
21.2. Files Related to SELinux
21.3. Additional Resources
IV. Appendixes
A. General Parameters and Modules
A.1. Specifying Module Parameters
A.2. SCSI parameters
A.3. Ethernet Parameters

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