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Ruby Programming
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couple of pages looking at one of Ruby's neatest features: iterators.

Blocks and Iterators

So, our next problem with SongList is to implement the code in method [] that takes a string and searches for a song with that title. This seems straightforward: we have an array of songs, so we just go through it one element at a time, looking for a match.

class SongList
  def [](key)
    if key.kind_of?(Integer)
      return @songs[key]
      for i in [email protected]
        return @songs[i] if key == @songs[i].name
    return nil

This works, and it looks comfortingly familiar: a for loop iterating over an array. What could be more natural?

It turns out there is something more natural. In a way, our for loop is somewhat too intimate with the array; it asks for a length, then retrieves values in turn until it finds a match. Why not just ask the array to apply a test to each of its members? That's just what the find method in Array does.

class SongList
  def [](key)
    if key.kind_of?(Integer)
      result = @songs[key]
      result = @songs.find { |aSong| key == }
    return result

We could use if as a statement modifier to shorten the code even more.

class SongList
  def [](key)
    return @songs[key] if key.kind_of?(Integer)
    return @songs.find { |aSong| == key }

The method find is an iterator---a method that invokes a block of code repeatedly. Iterators and code blocks are among the more interesting features of Ruby, so let's spend a while looking into them (and in the process we'll find out exactly what that line of code in our [] method actually does).
Ruby Programming
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