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Ruby Programming
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System Hooks

A hook is a technique that lets you trap some Ruby event, such as object creation.

The simplest hook technique in Ruby is to intercept calls to methods in system classes. Perhaps you want to log all the operating system commands your program executes. Simply rename the method Kernel::system [This Eiffel-inspired idiom of renaming a feature and redefining a new one is very useful, but be aware that it can cause problems. If a subclass does the same thing, and renames the methods using the same names, you'll end up with an infinite loop. You can avoid this by aliasing your methods to a unique symbol name or by using a consistent naming convention.] and substitute it with one of your own that both logs the command and calls the original Kernel method.

module Kernel
  alias_method :old_system, :system
  def system(*args)
    result = old_system(*args)
    puts "system(#{args.join(', ')}) returned #{result}"

system("date") system("kangaroo", "-hop 10", "skippy")
Sun Jun  9 00:09:44 CDT 2002
system(date) returned true
system(kangaroo, -hop 10, skippy) returned false

A more powerful hook is catching objects as they are created. If you can be present when every object is born, you can do all sorts of interesting things: you can wrap them, add methods to them, remove methods from them, add them to containers to implement persistence, you name it. We'll show a simple example here: we'll add a timestamp to every object as it's created.

One way to hook object creation is to do our method renaming trick on Class#new , the method that's called to allocate space for a new object. The technique isn't perfect---some built-in objects, such as literal strings, are constructed without calling new---but it'll work just fine for objects we write.

class Class
  alias_method :old_new,  :new
  def new(*args)
    result = old_new(*args)
    result.timestamp =
    return result

We'll also need to add a timestamp attribute to every object in the system. We can do this by hacking class Object itself.

class Object
  def timestamp
    return @timestamp
  def timestamp=(aTime)
    @timestamp = aTime

Finally, we can run a test. We'll create a couple of objects a few seconds apart and check their timestamps.

class Test
obj1 =
sleep 2
obj2 =
obj1.timestamp Sun Jun 09 00:09:45 CDT 2002
obj2.timestamp Sun Jun 09 00:09:47 CDT 2002

All this method renaming is fine, and it really does work. However, there are other, more refined ways to get inside a running program. Ruby provides several callback methods that let you trap certain events in a controlled way.
Ruby Programming
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