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31.11 Minimum Values for Utility Limits

The most restrictive limit permitted by POSIX.2 for the maximum value of obase in the bc utility. Its value is 99.
The most restrictive limit permitted by POSIX.2 for the maximum size of an array in the bc utility. Its value is 2048.
The most restrictive limit permitted by POSIX.2 for the maximum value of scale in the bc utility. Its value is 99.
The most restrictive limit permitted by POSIX.2 for the maximum size of a string constant in the bc utility. Its value is 1000.
The most restrictive limit permitted by POSIX.2 for the maximum number of weights that can necessarily be used in defining the collating sequence for a locale. Its value is 2.
The most restrictive limit permitted by POSIX.2 for the maximum number of expressions nested within parenthesis when using the expr utility. Its value is 32.
The most restrictive limit permitted by POSIX.2 for the maximum size of a text line that the text utilities can handle. Its value is 2048.
The most restrictive limit permitted by POSIX.2 for the maximum number of weights that can be assigned to an entry of the LC_COLLATE category `order' keyword in a locale definition. Its value is 2. The GNU C library does not presently support locale definitions.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire