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The GNU C Programming Tutorial - Pointers

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Making maps of data.

In one sense, any variable in C is just a convenient label for a chunk of the computer's memory that contains the variable's data. A pointer, then, is a special kind of variable that contains the location or address of that chunk of memory. (Pointers are so called because they point to a chunk of memory.) The address contained by a pointer is a lengthy number that enables you to pinpoint exactly where in the computer's memory the variable resides.

Pointers are one of the more versatile features of C. There are many good reasons to use them. Knowing a variable's address in memory enables you to pass the variable to a function by reference (See Variable parameters.) 1 Also, since functions are just chunks of code in the computer's memory, and each of them has its own address, you can create pointers to functions too, and knowing a function's address in memory enables you to pass functions as parameters too, giving your functions the ability to switch among calling numerous functions. (See Function pointers.)

Pointers are important when using text strings. In C, a text string is always accessed with a pointer to a character -- the first character of the text string. For example, the following code will print the text string Boy howdy!:

char *greeting = "Boy howdy!";
printf ("%s\n\n", greeting);

See Strings.

Pointers are important for more advanced types of data as well. For example, there is a data structure called a "linked list" that uses pointers to "glue" the items in the list together. (See Data structures, for information on linked lists.)

Another use for pointers stems from functions like the C input routine scanf. This function accepts information from the keyboard, just as printf sends output to the console. However, scanf uses pointers to variables, not variables themselves. For example, the following code reads an integer from the keyboard:

int my_integer;
scanf ("%d", &my_integer);

(See scanf, for more information.)


  1. This, by the way, is how the phrase ``pass by reference'' entered the jargon. Like other pointers, a variable parameter ``makes a reference'' to the address of a variable.

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