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Thinking in C++ Vol 2 - Practical Programming
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Exception safety

In Chapter 7 we ll take an in-depth look at the containers in the Standard C++ library, including the stack container. One thing you ll notice is that the declaration of the pop( ) member function looks like this:

void pop();

You might think it strange that pop( ) doesn t return a value. Instead, it just removes the element at the top of the stack. To retrieve the top value, call top( ) before you call pop( ). There is an important reason for this behavior, and it has to do with exception safety, a crucial consideration in library design. There are different levels of exception safety, but most importantly, and just as the name implies, exception safety is about correct semantics in the face of exceptions.

Suppose you are implementing a stack with a dynamic array (we ll call it data and the counter integer count), and you try to write pop( ) so that it returns a value. The code for such a pop( ) might look something like this:

template<class T> T stack<T>::pop() {
if(count == 0)
throw logic_error("stack underflow");
return data[--count];

What happens if the copy constructor that is called for the return value in the last line throws an exception when the value is returned? The popped element is not returned because of the exception, and yet count has already been decremented, so the top element you wanted is lost forever! The problem is that this function attempts to do two things at once: (1) return a value, and (2) change the state of the stack. It is better to separate these two actions into two separate member functions, which is exactly what the standard stack class does. (In other words, follow the design practice of cohesion every function should do one thing well.) Exception-safe code leaves objects in a consistent state and does not leak resources.

You also need to be careful writing custom assignment operators. In Chapter 12 of Volume 1, you saw that operator= should adhere to the following pattern:

1.  Make sure you re not assigning to self. If you are, go to step 6. (This is strictly an optimization.)

2.  Allocate new memory required by pointer data members.

3.  Copy data from the old memory to the new.

4.  Delete the old memory.

5.  Update the object s state by assigning the new heap pointers to the pointer data members.

6.  Return *this.

It s important to not change the state of your object until all the new pieces have been safely allocated and initialized. A good technique is to move steps 2 and 3 into a separate function, often called clone( ). The following example does this for a class that has two pointer members, theString and theInts:

//: C01:SafeAssign.cpp
// An Exception-safe operator=.
#include <iostream>
#include <new> // For std::bad_alloc
#include <cstring>
#include <cstddef>
using namespace std;
// A class that has two pointer members using the heap
class HasPointers {
// A Handle class to hold the data
struct MyData {
const char* theString;
const int* theInts;
size_t numInts;
MyData(const char* pString, const int* pInts,
size_t nInts)
: theString(pString), theInts(pInts), numInts(nInts) {}
} *theData; // The handle
// Clone and cleanup functions:
static MyData* clone(const char* otherString,
const int* otherInts, size_t nInts) {
char* newChars = new char[strlen(otherString)+1];
int* newInts;
try {
newInts = new int[nInts];
} catch(bad_alloc&) {
delete [] newChars;
try {
// This example uses built-in types, so it won't
// throw, but for class types it could throw, so we
// use a try block for illustration. (This is the
// point of the example!)
strcpy(newChars, otherString);
for(size_t i = 0; i < nInts; ++i)
newInts[i] = otherInts[i];
} catch(...) {
delete [] newInts;
delete [] newChars;
return new MyData(newChars, newInts, nInts);
static MyData* clone(const MyData* otherData) {
return clone(otherData->theString, otherData->theInts,
static void cleanup(const MyData* theData) {
delete [] theData->theString;
delete [] theData->theInts;
delete theData;
HasPointers(const char* someString, const int* someInts,
size_t numInts) {
theData = clone(someString, someInts, numInts);
HasPointers(const HasPointers& source) {
theData = clone(source.theData);
HasPointers& operator=(const HasPointers& rhs) {
if(this != &rhs) {
MyData* newData = clone(rhs.theData->theString,
rhs.theData->theInts, rhs.theData->numInts);
theData = newData;
return *this;
~HasPointers() { cleanup(theData); }
friend ostream&
operator<<(ostream& os, const HasPointers& obj) {
os << obj.theData->theString << ": ";
for(size_t i = 0; i < obj.theData->numInts; ++i)
os << obj.theData->theInts[i] << ' ';
return os;
int main() {
int someNums[] = { 1, 2, 3, 4 };
size_t someCount = sizeof someNums / sizeof someNums[0];
int someMoreNums[] = { 5, 6, 7 };
size_t someMoreCount =
sizeof someMoreNums / sizeof someMoreNums[0];
HasPointers h1("Hello", someNums, someCount);
HasPointers h2("Goodbye", someMoreNums, someMoreCount);
cout << h1 << endl; // Hello: 1 2 3 4
h1 = h2;
cout << h1 << endl; // Goodbye: 5 6 7
} ///:~

For convenience, HasPointers uses the MyData class as a handle to the two pointers. Whenever it s time to allocate more memory, whether during construction or assignment, the first clone function is ultimately called to do the job. If memory fails for the first call to the new operator, a bad_alloc exception is thrown automatically. If it happens on the second allocation (for theInts), we must clean up the memory for theString hence the first try block that catches a bad_alloc exception. The second try block isn t crucial here because we re just copying ints and pointers (so no exceptions will occur), but whenever you copy objects, their assignment operators can possibly cause an exception, so everything needs to be cleaned up. In both exception handlers, notice that we rethrow the exception. That s because we re just managing resources here; the user still needs to know that something went wrong, so we let the exception propagate up the dynamic chain. Software libraries that don t silently swallow exceptions are called exception neutral. Always strive to write libraries that are both exception safe and exception neutral.[7]

If you inspect the previous code closely, you ll notice that none of the delete operations will throw an exception. This code depends on that fact. Recall that when you call delete on an object, the object s destructor is called. It turns out to be practically impossible to design exception-safe code without assuming that destructors don t throw exceptions. Don t let destructors throw exceptions. (We re going to remind you about this once more before this chapter is done).[8]

Thinking in C++ Vol 2 - Practical Programming
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   Reproduced courtesy of Bruce Eckel, MindView, Inc. Design by Interspire