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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - make: Automating Your Recipes - make in Non-C/C++ Development

make in Non-C/C++ Development

make is not just useful for C/C++ recipes, however. Scripting languages like those we described in Chapter14 may not require conventional compilation and link steps, but there are often other kinds of dependencies that make(1) can help you with.

Suppose, for example, that you actually generate part of your code from a specification file, using one of the techniques from Chapter9. You can use make to tie the spec file and the generated source together. This will ensure that whenever you change the spec and remake, the generated code will automatically be rebuilt.

It's quite common to use makefile productions to express recipes for making documentation as well as code. You'll often see this approach used to automatically generate PostScript or other derived documentation from masters written in some markup language (like HTML or one of the Unix document-macro languages we'll survey in Chapter18). In fact, this sort of use is so common that it's worth illustrating with a case study.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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