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The Art of Unix Programming
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Unix Programming - The Elements of Operating-System Style - Intended Audience

Intended Audience

The design of operating systems varies in response to the expected audience for the system. Some operating systems are intended for back rooms, some for desktops. Some are designed for technical users, others for end users. Some are intended to work standalone in real-time control applications, others for an environment of timesharing and pervasive networking.

One important distinction is client vs. server. ‘Client’ translates as: being lightweight, suppporting only a single user, able to run on small machines, designed to be switched on when needed and off when the user is done, lacking pre-emptive multitasking, optimized for low latency, and putting a lot of its resources into fancy user interfaces. ‘Server’ translates as: being heavyweight, capable of running continuously, optimized for throughput, fully pre-emptively multitasking to handle multiple sessions. In origin all operating systems were server operating systems; the concept of a client operating system only emerged in the late 1970s with inexpensive but underpowered PC hardware. Client operating systems are more focused on a visually attractive user experience than on 24/7 uptime.

All these variables have an effect on development style. One of the most obvious is the level of interface complexity the target audience will tolerate, and how it tends to weight perceived complexity against other variables like cost and capability. Unix is often said to have been written by programmers for programmers — an audience that is notoriously tolerant of interface complexity.

This is a consequence rather than a goal. I abhor a system designed for the “user”, if that word is a coded pejorative meaning “stupid and unsophisticated”.

-- Ken Thompson

To design the perfect anti-Unix, write an operating system that thinks it knows what you're doing better than you do. And then adds injury to insult by getting it wrong.

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The Art of Unix Programming
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