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openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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Searching for Data

KDE provides more than one application for finding data on your computer or in the file system. One application is KFind which is described below.

Using KFind

To perform basic and advanced searches, use KFind. Start it from the main menu by clicking Applications > Find Files/Folders or press Alt+F2 and enter kfind.

Searching by Name

To use a filename (or a part of it) as the search keyword, proceed as follows:

  1. Enter the filename or a part of the filename in the Named input field. Use wild cards, such as an asterisk (*), to indicate missing characters in the filename.

  2. Specify the folder in which to search for the file. Either enter a path to the folder in Look in or click Browse to locate the folder.

  3. To search subfolders, check Include Subfolders.

  4. Click Find to start the search. The results are displayed in the lower part of the dialog. To directly open the result, just click it. Right-click it to choose one of the options from the context menu.

Searching by Contents or Properties

For a more detailed search, you can also specify further options, such as a text the file must contain or the creation or modification date of a file.

  1. On the Name/Location tab, specify at least the path to search for the file. You can leave the Named empty.

  2. To search for certain contents in a file, click the Contents tab. In Containing Text, enter the word or phrase the file to find must contain. This option does not work for all types of files.

  3. To search for properties such as creation or modification date of the file, click the Properties tab and choose the options you want.

  4. Click Find to start the search.

openSUSE 11.1 KDE Quick Start Guide
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