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Solaris Trusted Extensions Label Administration
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Modifying Sun Extensions (Task Map)



Change label and clearance defaults for users

How to Specify Default User Labels

Specify colors for labels

How to Assign a Color to a Label or Word

Customize label builder headers

How to Name Column Headers in Label Builders

How to Specify Default User Labels

Before You Begin

You must be in the Security Administrator role in the global zone.

  1. Edit the label_encodings file.

    Use the Edit Encodings action. For details, see How to Create a label_encodings File.

  2. Find the line in the LOCAL DEFINITIONS section that begins with Default User Sensitivity Label.
    Default User Sensitivity Label= u;
    Default User Clearance= c;
  3. Replace the sensitivity label with your desired minimum user label.

    The following example shows a new minimum label of c.

    Default User Sensitivity Label= c;
  4. Replace the clearance with your desired user clearance.

    The following example shows a new clearance of s.

    Default User Clearance= s;

How to Assign a Color to a Label or Word

To minimize color-flashing, use color names or hexadecimal color values that you know have been specified for other applications. The default color values have been chosen with memory limitations for color in mind.

Before You Begin

You must be in the Security Administrator role in the global zone.

  1. Edit the label_encodings file.

    Use the Edit Encodings action. For details, see How to Create a label_encodings File.

  2. Find the COLOR NAMES section.
              label= Admin_Low;       color= #bdbdbd;
              label= Admin_High;      color= #636363;
  3. Define a color for each classification.

    In this example, the classification REGISTERED is assigned the color red. The NEED_TO_KNOW SYSADM classification is assigned the color blue.

    label= REGISTERED;  color= red;
    label= NEED TO KNOW; color= blue;
  4. (Optional) Define colors for individual compartment words.

    To distinguish certain compartment words irrespective of the classification with which they are associated, assign a separate color to those words.

    1. Determine the possible color names on your system.

      The names are defined in a local color database. For more information, see the X11(5) man page in the /usr/openwin/share/man directory.

      % grep Red /usr/openwin/lib/X11/rgb.txt
      255  69   0             OrangeRed
      219 112 147             PaleVioletRed
      139   0   0             DarkRed
    2. Assign the color names.
      word= EMGT; color= OrangeRed;
  5. (Optional) Define colors for labels.

    In this example, the color MediumPurple4 is assigned to a label.

    label= NEED TO KNOW SYSADM; color= MediumPurple4;

How to Name Column Headers in Label Builders

Before You Begin

You must be in the Security Administrator role in the global zone.

  1. Edit the label_encodings file.

    Use the Edit Encodings action. For details, see How to Create a label_encodings File.

  2. Find the “Classification Name” line in the LOCAL DEFINITIONS section.

    This line and the following line define the column headers in the label builder.

    Classification Name= Classification;
    Compartments Name= Sensitivity;
  3. Assign different names to the column headers.

    The following example shows the column headers from label_encodings.simple.

    Classification Name= Classification;
    Compartments Name= Department;
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