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Solaris Trusted Extensions Developer's Guide
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abbreviations used in interface names, Abbreviations Used in Interface Names and Data Structure Names
checks for
network, Communication Endpoints
sockets, AF_UNIX Family
Trusted X Window System, Trusted X Window System Security Policy
file labels, Privileged Operations and Labels
guidelines for labels, Privileged Operations and Labels
multilevel port connections, Multilevel Port Information
ADMIN_HIGH label, Labels in the Global Zone
ADMIN_LOW label, Labels in the Global Zone
clearance label, Types of Label APIs
declarations, Solaris Trusted Extensions API Reference
examples of Trusted Extensions in Solaris, Understanding Labels
introduction to, Sensitivity Labels
Label Builder
Label Builder APIs
Label Builder APIs
label clipping, Label-Clipping APIs
label range, Types of Label APIs
Label APIs
Label Code Examples
Label APIs
process security attribute flags, Process Security Attribute Flags APIs
security APIs from Solaris OS, Trusted Extensions APIs
sensitivity label, Types of Label APIs
for Solaris that use Trusted Extensions parameters, Solaris Library Routines and System Calls That Use Trusted Extensions Parameters
Trusted X Window System
Trusted X Window System APIs
Trusted X Window System
Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
Trusted X Window System APIs
for zone labels and zone paths, Labeled Zones
integrating, Releasing an Application
releasing, Releasing an Application
testing and debugging, Developing, Testing, and Debugging an Application
atoms, predefined in X Window System, Default Window Resources
auditid field, Data Types for X11
authorizations, Label Builder, Privileged Operations and Label Builder


bldominates() routine
code example, Determining the Relationship Between Two Labels
declaration, Comparing Labels
blequal() routine
code example, Determining the Relationship Between Two Labels
declaration, Comparing Labels
blinrange() routine
Comparing Labels
Comparing Labels
blmaximum() routine, declaration, Comparing Labels
blminimum() routine, declaration, Comparing Labels
blstrictdom() routine
code example, Determining the Relationship Between Two Labels
declaration, Comparing Labels
brange_t type, Label APIs
builders, API declarations for GUI, Label Builder APIs


CDE actions
assigning inheritable privileges, Creating a CDE Action
creating, Creating a CDE Action
clearance component, Clearance Labels
disjoint, Label Relationships
dominant, Label Relationships
equal, Label Relationships
label component, Sensitivity Labels
strictly dominant, Label Relationships
clearance labels, Clearance Labels
ClearanceLabel subclass, ClearanceLabel Subclass
disjoint labels, Label Relationships
dominant labels, Label Relationships
equal labels, Label Relationships
session, Clearance Labels
strictly dominant labels, Label Relationships
user, Clearance Labels
code examples
file systems
obtaining label, Obtaining a File Label
getSocketPeer static factory
obtaining socket peer label, Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
Label Builder, Creating an Interactive User Interface
label_encodings file
creating printer banner
Obtaining Printer Banner Information
Translating Between Labels and Strings
obtaining character-coded color names, Obtaining the Color Names of Labels
label relationships, Determining the Relationship Between Two Labels
obtaining on file system, Obtaining a File Label
obtaining on window, Obtaining a Window Label
obtaining process label, Obtaining a Process Label
setting on window, Setting a Window Label
obtain socket peer label, Obtaining and Setting the Label of a File
printer banner
Obtaining Printer Banner Information
Translating Between Labels and Strings
set file sensitivity label, Setting a File Sensitivity Label
Trusted X Window System, Using Trusted X Window System Interfaces
obtaining window attributes, Obtaining Window Attributes
obtaining window label, Obtaining a Window Label
obtaining window user ID, Obtaining the Window User ID
obtaining workstation owner, Obtaining the X Window Server Workstation Owner ID
setting window label, Setting a Window Label
translating with font list, Translating the Window Label With the Font List
communication endpoints
access checks, Communication Endpoints
connections described, Berkeley Sockets and TLI
clearance component, Clearance Labels
disjoint, Label Relationships
dominant, Label Relationships
equal, Label Relationships
label component, Sensitivity Labels
strictly dominant, Label Relationships
Label Builder libraries, APIs for Label Builder GUIs
label libraries, Label APIs
Trusted X Window System libraries, Trusted Extensions X Window System APIs
connection requests
security attributes, Trusted X Window System Security Attributes
security policy, Trusted X Window System Security Policy
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