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Table of Contents

  1. Document Information

  2. Preface

  3. Who Should Use This Book

  4. How the System Administration Guides Are Organized

  5. Related Third-Party Web Site References

  6. Documentation, Support, and Training

  7. Typographic Conventions

  8. Shell Prompts in Command Examples

  9. General Conventions

  10. Solaris Management Tools (Road Map)

  11. What's New in Solaris Management Tools?

  12. Matrix of Solaris Management Tools and Supported Releases

  13. Feature Descriptions for Solaris Management Tools

  14. Feature Descriptions for Solaris 9 Management Tools

  15. Availability of Solaris Management Commands

  16. For More Information About Solaris Management Tools

  17. Working With the Solaris Management Console (Tasks)

  18. Solaris Management Console (Overview)

  19. Becoming Superuser (root) or Assuming a Role

  20. Using the Solaris Management Tools With RBAC (Task Map)

  21. Starting the Solaris Management Console

  22. Using the Solaris Management Tools in a Name Service Environment (Task Map)

  23. Adding Tools to the Solaris Management Console

  24. Troubleshooting the Solaris Management Console

  25. Working With the Sun Java Web Console (Tasks)

  26. What's New in Administering the Java Web Console?

  27. Java Web Console (Overview)

  28. Getting Started With the Java Web Console (Task Map)

  29. Getting Started With the Java Web Console

  30. Managing the Console Service

  31. Configuring the Java Web Console

  32. Troubleshooting the Java Web Console Software (Task Map)

  33. Troubleshooting the Java Web Console Software

  34. Java Web Console Reference Information

  35. Managing User Accounts and Groups (Overview)

  36. What's New in Managing Users and Groups?

  37. Tools for User Account and Group Account Management

  38. What Are User Accounts and Groups?

  39. Where User Account and Group Information Is Stored

  40. Tools for Managing User Accounts and Groups

  41. Customizing a User's Work Environment

  42. Managing User Accounts and Groups (Tasks)

  43. Setting Up User Accounts (Task Map)

  44. Maintaining User Accounts (Task Map)

  45. Managing Client-Server Support (Overview)

  46. What's New in Managing Client-Server Support?

  47. Where to Find Client-Server Tasks

  48. What Are Servers, Clients, and Appliances?

  49. What Does Client Support Mean?

  50. Overview of System Types

  51. Diskless Client Management Overview

  52. Managing Diskless Clients (Tasks)

  53. Managing Diskless Clients (Task Map)

  54. Preparing for Managing Diskless Clients

  55. Patching Diskless Client OS Services

  56. Troubleshooting Diskless Client Problems

  57. Introduction to Shutting Down and Booting a System

  58. What's New in Shutting Down and Booting a System

  59. Where to Find Shut Down and Boot Tasks

  60. Shut Down and Boot Terminology

  61. Guidelines for Shutting Down a System

  62. Guidelines for Booting a System

  63. When to Shut Down a System

  64. When to Boot a System

  65. Shutting Down and Booting a System (Overview)

  66. Fundamentals of the Solaris Boot Design

  67. Understanding the New Solaris SPARC Boot Architecture

  68. Implementation of the Boot Archives on Solaris SPARC

  69. x86: Administering the GRUB Bootloader

  70. x86: Introducing Fast Reboot

  71. Booting From a ZFS Root File System

  72. Shutting Down a System (Tasks)

  73. Shutting Down the System (Task Map)

  74. Shutting Down the System

  75. Turning Off Power to All Devices

  76. Modifying Solaris Boot Behavior (Tasks)

  77. Modifying Boot Behavior on SPARC Based Systems (Task Map)

  78. Modifying Solaris Boot Behavior on x86 Based Systems (Task Map)

  79. Booting a Solaris System (Tasks)

  80. Booting a SPARC Based System (Task Map)

  81. Booting a SPARC Based System

  82. Booting From a ZFS Root File System on a SPARC Based System

  83. Booting the Failsafe Archive on a SPARC Based System

  84. Booting a SPARC Based System From the Network

  85. Booting an x86 Based System by Using GRUB (Task Map)

  86. Booting From a ZFS Root File System on an x86 Based System

  87. Booting the Failsafe Archive on an x86 Based System

  88. Using Fast Reboot on the x86 Platform (Task Map)

  89. Booting an x86 Based System from the Network

  90. Troubleshooting Booting a Solaris System (Tasks)

  91. Troubleshooting Booting on the SPARC Platform (Task Map)

  92. Troubleshooting Booting on the x86 Platform (Task Map)

  93. Managing the Solaris Boot Archives (Tasks)

  94. Managing the Solaris Boot Archives (Task Map)

  95. Description of the Solaris Boot Archives

  96. Managing the boot-archive Service

  97. Using the bootadm Command to Manage the Boot Archives

  98. x86: GRUB Based Booting (Reference)

  99. x86: Boot Processes

  100. x86: Solaris Support for the GRUB Bootloader

  101. Managing Services (Overview)

  102. Introduction to SMF

  103. Changes in Behavior When Using SMF

  104. SMF Concepts

  105. SMF Administrative and Programming Interfaces

  106. SMF Components

  107. SMF and Booting

  108. SMF Compatibility

  109. Run Levels

  110. /etc/inittab File

  111. Managing Services (Tasks)

  112. Managing Services (Task Map)

  113. Monitoring SMF Services

  114. Managing SMF Services (Task Map)

  115. Managing SMF Services

  116. Configuring SMF Services

  117. Using Run Control Scripts (Task Map)

  118. Using Run Control Scripts

  119. Troubleshooting the Service Management Facility

  120. Managing Software (Overview)

  121. What's New in Software Management in the Solaris Operating System?

  122. Where to Find Software Management Tasks

  123. Overview of Software Packages

  124. Tools for Managing Software Packages

  125. Adding or Removing a Software Package (pkgadd)

  126. Key Points for Adding Software Packages (pkgadd)

  127. Guidelines for Removing Packages (pkgrm)

  128. Restrictions on Adding and Removing Software Packages and Patches for Solaris Releases That are Not Zones Aware

  129. Avoiding User Interaction When Adding Packages (pkgadd)

  130. Managing Software With Solaris System Administration Tools (Tasks)

  131. Solaris Product Registry and Solaris GUI Installation Tools for Managing Software

  132. Adding Software With the Solaris Installation GUI

  133. Managing Software With the Solaris Product Registry GUI (Task Map)

  134. Managing Software With the Solaris Product Registry Command-Line Interface (Task Map)

  135. Managing Software With the Solaris Product Registry Command-Line Interface

  136. Managing Software by Using Package Commands (Tasks)

  137. Adding and Removing Signed Packages by Using the pkgadd Command (Task Map)

  138. Adding and Removing Signed Packages by Using the pkgadd Command

  139. Managing Software Packages by Using Package Commands (Task Map)

  140. Using Package Commands to Manage Software Packages

  141. Managing Solaris Patches by Using the patchadd Command (Tasks)

  142. Types of Patches

  143. Accessing Solaris Patches

  144. Managing Patches in the Solaris Operating System

  145. Solaris Patch Management Terms and Definitions

  146. Managing Solaris Patches by Using the patchadd Command (Task Map)

  147. SMF Services

  148. Index

  149. Index

  150. Index

  151. Index

  152. Index

  153. Index

  154. Index

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