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Solaris Express Installation Guide: Custom JumpStart and Advanced Installations
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x86: Set Up Marketing Systems to Install From the Network

Next, you use the add_install_client command on the boot server (server-2). This command sets up the marketing systems to boot from the boot server and install the Solaris software from the install server (server-1):

server-2# cd /marketing/boot-dir/Solaris_11/Tools
server-2# ./add_install_client -s server-1:/export/install/x86_11 \
-c server-1:/jumpstart host-mkt1 i86pc
server-2# ./add_install_client -s server-1:/export/install/x86_11 \
-c server-1:/jumpstart host-mkt2 i86pc
server-2# ./add_install_client -d -s server-1:/export/install/x86_11 \
-c server-1:/jumpstart SUNW.i86pc i86pc
server-2# ./add_install_client -c server-1:/jumpstart host-mkt1 sun4u
server-2# ./add_install_client -c server-1:/jumpstart host-mkt2 sun4u

In the add_install_client command, the options that are used have the following meanings:


Specifies that the client is to use DHCP to obtain the network install parameters. This option is required for clients to use PXE network boot to boot from the network. -d is optional for network boot clients that do not use PXE network boot.


Specifies the install server (server-1) and the path to the Solaris software (/export/install/x86_11).


Specifies the server (server-1) and path (/jumpstart) to the JumpStart directory. Use this option if you are using NFS.

Note - If you are not using NFS, you specify the path to the JumpStart directory by using the following commands:

  • For SPARC based systems, specify the path in the boot command

  • For x86 based systems, specify the path by editing the GRUB menu entry


The name of a system in the marketing group.


The name of another system in the marketing group.


Specifies the platform group of the systems that use server-1 as an install server. The platform group is for Ultra 5 systems.


The DHCP class name for all Solaris x86 clients. If you want to configure all Solaris x86 DHCP clients with a single command, use this class name.


Specifies the platform group of the systems that use this boot server. The platform name represents x86 based systems.

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