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OpenSolaris 2008.11 Automated Installer Guide
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installadm Command Reference

As part of the automated installer application, the installadm utility enables you to accomplish the following tasks:

  • Setting up services and images

  • Setting up or update a DHCP server

  • Setting up or remove clients

  • Adding or deleting manifest files

  • Starting or stopping services

  • Listing services or listing manifest files for a service

For examples that use the installadm command, see Example Scenarios for Automated Installer.

For the OpenSolaris 2008.11 release, the installadm command has the following subcommands and options.

Table 2-2 installadm Command




Displays command usage.

installadm create-service

Syntax: installadm create-service [-f bootfile] [-D DHCPserver] [-n svcname] [-i dhcp_ip_start] [-c count_of_ipaddr] [-s srcimage] targetdir

Publishes the OSInstall service. Only a source image and a target directory are required for basic setup.

Note - When you create the first service on a system, you also must provide a starting IP address and a total number of IP addresses to be made available for the clients. After you have provided this information, you do not need to include it when creating additional services on this system.

installadm create-service has the following options:

  • -f bootfile – Uses this boot file for the service. If boot file does not exist, it is created. If this option is not specified, a boot file is created with a default name.

  • -D DHCPserver – Updates the DHCP server at this IP address with the appropriate macro. Secure shell is used to contact a remote server. The user must provide authentication.

  • -n svcname – Uses this service name instead of default service name. If a service of this name already exists, the user is warned, and a new service is created and named <svcname><n>.

  • -i dhcp_ip_start – Sets up a new DHCP server. The IP addresses, starting from dhcp_ip_start, are set up.

  • -c count_of_ipaddr – Sets up a total number of IP addresses in the DHCP table equal to the value of the count_of_ipaddr. The first IP address is the value of dhcp_ip_start that is provided by the -i option.

  • -s srcimage – Required: Specifies the location of source image to use for setting up the OSInstall service.

  • targetdir – Required: Specifies the location to set up the image.

installadm delete-service

Syntax: installadm delete-service [-x] svcname

Deletes a published service.

svcname is required.

installadm delete-service has the following option:

-x svcname – Removes the specified image and makes free disk space available. Without this option, the command deletes the image, but does not make the free space available.

installadm list

Syntax: installadm list [-n svcname]

Lists published services that are running on a system.

installadm list has the following option:

-n svcname – Lists published manifest files that are associated with a specified service. Without this option, the installadm list command lists all published manifest files.

installadm start

Syntax: installadm start svcname

Starts or restarts a specified service. Starts or restarts the web server associated with the service.

svcname – Required: Specifies the name of the service to be started.

installadm stop

Syntax: installadm stop svcname

Stops a specified service. Stops the web server associated with the service.

svcname – Required: Specifies the name of the service to be stopped.

installadm add

Syntax: installadm add [-m manifest] [-n svcname]

Publishes manifest files to be associated with a specific service, independently from publishing the service.

installadm add has the following options:

  • -m manifest – Required: Specifies the path name to a file that contains pointers to AI manifest and to SC manifest.

  • -n svcname – Required: Specifies the name of the service that this manifest is to be associated with.

installadm remove

Syntax: installadm remove [-m manifest] [-n svcname]

Removes manifest files that were published with a specific service.

installadm remove has the following options:

  • -m manifest – Required: Specifies the name of an AI manifest file as output by installadm list -n svcname.

  • -n svcname – Required: Specifies the name of service from which this manifest file is to be removed.

installadm create-client

Syntax: installadm create-client [-b <property>=<value>] [-P protocol] [-e macaddr] [-t imagepath] [-n svcname]

Accomplishes optional setup tasks for a specified client, providing custom client settings that vary from the default settings used by the installadm create-service command. Enables the user to specify nondefault service names and image paths for a client.

installadm create-client has the following options:

  • -b <property>=<value> – Set a property value in the client-specific menu.lst file in /tftpboot. Use this option to set boot properties that are specific to this client.

  • -P protocol – Specifies the transport protocol (HTTP or NFS) for accessing remote archive data. HTTP is the default.

  • -e macaddr – Required: Specifies the MAC address for client.

  • -t imagepath – Required: Specifies the path of the net image to be used with the automated installer.

  • -n svcname – Required: Specifies the service for the client to use for installation.

installadm delete-client

Syntax: installadm delete-client macaddr

Deletes an existing client's nondefault information that was previously set up by using the installadm create-client command.

macaddr – Required: Specifies the MAC address for the client.

installadm help

Syntax: installadm help subcommand

Displays syntax for installadm utility or, if a subcommand is specified, displays syntax for that subcommand.

subcommand – Identifies name of the subcommand.

installadm version

Syntax: installadm version

Displays the version number for the installadm utility that is installed on the system.

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