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8.10. Service Response Time

The service response time is the time between a request and the corresponding response. This information is available for many protocols.

Service response time statistics are currently available for the following protocols:


  • Fibre Channel

  • H.225 RAS

  • LDAP


  • MGCP


  • SMB

As an example, the DCE-RPC service response time is described in more detail.

[Note] Note!

The other Service Response Time windows will work the same way (or only slightly different) compared to the following description.

8.10.1. The "Service Response Time DCE-RPC" window

The service response time of DCE-RPC is the time between the request and the corresponding response.

First of all, you have to select the DCE-RPC interface:

Figure 8.8. The "Compute DCE-RPC statistics" window

The "Compute DCE-RPC statistics" window

You can optionally set a display filter, to reduce the amount of packets.

Figure 8.9. The "DCE-RPC Statistic for ..." window

The "DCE-RPC Statistic for ..." window

Each row corresponds to a method of the interface selected (so the EPM interface in version 3 has 7 methods). For each method the number of calls, and the statistics of the SRT time is calculated.

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