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2.6. Troubleshooting during the install on Unix

A number of errors can occur during the installation process. Some hints on solving these are provided here.

If the configure stage fails, you will need to find out why. You can check the file config.log in the source directory to find out what failed. The last few lines of this file should help in determining the problem.

The standard problems are that you do not have GTK+ on your system, or you do not have a recent enough version of GTK+. The configure will also fail if you do not have libpcap (at least the required include files) on your system.

Another common problem is for the final compile and link stage to terminate with a complaint of: Output too long. This is likely to be caused by an antiquated sed (such as the one shipped with Solaris). Since sed is used by the libtool script to construct the final link command, this leads to mysterious problems. This can be resolved by downloading a recent version of sed from

If you cannot determine what the problems are, send mail to the wireshark-dev mailing list explaining your problem, and including the output from config.log and anything else you think is relevant, like a trace of the make stage.

  Published under the terms fo the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire