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Samba HowTo Guide
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Print Options for All Users Can't Be Set on Windows 200x/XP

How are you doing it? I bet the wrong way (it is not easy to find out, though). There are three different ways to bring you to a dialog that seems to set everything. All three dialogs look the same, yet only one of them does what you intend. You need to be Administrator or Print Administrator to do this for all users. Here is how I do in on XP:

  1. The first wrong way:

    1. Open the Printers folder.

    2. Right-click on the printer (remoteprinter on cupshost) and select in context menu Printing Preferences...

    3. Look at this dialog closely and remember what it looks like.

  2. The second wrong way:

    1. Open the Printers folder.

    2. Right-click on the printer (remoteprinter on cupshost) and select the context menu Properties.

    3. Click on the General tab.

    4. Click on the button Printing Preferences...

    5. A new dialog opens. Keep this dialog open and go back to the parent dialog.

  3. The third and correct way:

    1. Open the Printers folder.

    2. Click on the Advanced tab. (If everything is “grayed out,” then you are not logged in as a user with enough privileges).

    3. Click on the Printing Defaults... button.

    4. On any of the two new tabs, click on the Advanced... button.

    5. A new dialog opens. Compare this one to the other identical-looking one from step “B.5” or A.3".

Do you see any difference? I don't either. However, only the last one, which you arrived at with steps “C.1. to C.6.”, will save any settings permanently and be the defaults for new users. If you want all clients to get the same defaults, you need to conduct these steps as Administrator ( printer admin in smb.conf) before a client downloads the driver (the clients can later set their own per-user defaults by following the procedures A or B ).

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