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Samba HowTo Guide
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Using IPC$ Share-Based Denials

If the above methods are not suitable, then you could also place a more specific deny on the IPC$ share that is used in the recently discovered security hole. This allows you to offer access to other shares while denying access to IPC$ from potentially untrustworthy hosts.

To do this you could use:

hosts allow =
hosts deny =

This instructs Samba that IPC$ connections are not allowed from anywhere except the two listed network addresses (localhost and the 192.168.115 subnet). Connections to other shares are still allowed. Because the IPC$ share is the only share that is always accessible anonymously, this provides some level of protection against attackers who do not know a valid username/password for your host.

If you use this method, then clients will be given an `access denied' reply when they try to access the IPC$ share. Those clients will not be able to browse shares and may also be unable to access some other resources. This is not recommended unless for some reason you cannot use one of the other methods just discussed.

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