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Xen 3.0 Virtualization User Guide
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4.2 Xm

The xm tool is the primary tool for managing Xen from the console. The general format of an xm command line is:

# xm command [switches] [arguments] [variables]

The available switches and arguments are dependent on the command chosen. The variables may be set using declarations of the form variable=value and command line declarations override any of the values in the configuration file being used, including the standard variables described above and any custom variables (for instance, the xmdefconfig file uses a vmid variable).

For online help for the commands available, type:

# xm help

This will list the most commonly used commands. The full list can be obtained using xm help --long. You can also type xm help <command> for more information on a given command.

Xen 3.0 Virtualization User Guide
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