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Xen 3.0 Virtualization User Guide
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4.1.2 Configuring Xend

Xend is written in Python. At startup, it reads its configuration information from the file /etc/xen/xend-config.sxp. The Xen installation places an example xend-config.sxp file in the /etc/xen subdirectory which should work for most installations.

See the example configuration file xend-debug.sxp and the section 5 man page xend-config.sxp for a full list of parameters and more detailed information. Some of the most important parameters are discussed below.

An HTTP interface and a Unix domain socket API are available to communicate with Xend. This allows remote users to pass commands to the daemon. By default, Xend does not start an HTTP server. It does start a Unix domain socket management server, as the low level utility xm requires it. For support of cross-machine migration, Xend can start a relocation server. This support is not enabled by default for security reasons.

Note: the example xend configuration file modifies the defaults and starts up Xend as an HTTP server as well as a relocation server.

From the file:

#(xend-http-server no)
(xend-http-server yes)
#(xend-unix-server yes)
#(xend-relocation-server no)
(xend-relocation-server yes)

Comment or uncomment lines in that file to disable or enable features that you require.

Connections from remote hosts are disabled by default:

# Address xend should listen on for HTTP connections, if xend-http-server is
# set.
# Specifying 'localhost' prevents remote connections.
# Specifying the empty string '' (the default) allows all connections.
#(xend-address '')
(xend-address localhost)

It is recommended that if migration support is not needed, the xend-relocation-server parameter value be changed to ``no'' or commented out.

Xen 3.0 Virtualization User Guide
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