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Chapter 30. Optional component to install with Apache

In this chapter, Three-useful external programs that you may install on your Linux server are explained. These programs have been made for use with the Apache Web Server, and are useful only if you intend to use Apache in your organization. If this is not the case, you can skip this chapter and continue through the rest of this book. To begin, we'll talk about:

  1. Webalizer, which is a web server log file analysis program.

  2. Then we'll discuss FAQ-O-Matic, which can be used when you want a FAQ list, bug-tracing database, documentation and much more on your server.

  3. Finally, we'll talk about a very sophisticated and interesting program called Webmail, which allows you to offer free mail accounts to your clients, or access and read your mail, in a secure manner.

  Published under the terms of the Open Publication License Design by Interspire