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3.7. Adding Cluster Resources

To specify a device for a cluster service, follow these steps:

  1. On the Resources property of the Cluster Configuration Tool, click Create a Resource button.

  2. Select the resource you want to configure using the available drop-down menu. Options (and their parameters) include the following:

    File System

    Name — Create a name for the file system resource

    File System Type — Choose the file system for the resource using the drop-down menu

    Mount Point — Choose the path to which the file system resource is mounted.

    Device — Specify the device file associated with the file system resource (such as /dev/sda2)

    IP Address

    IP Address — Type the IP address for the resource

    Monitor Link — Check the box to enable or disable link status monitoring of the IP address resource

    NFS Client

    Name — Enter a name for the NFS client resource

    Target — Enter a target for the NFS client resource. Supported targets are hostnames, IP addresses (with wildcard support), and netgroups

    NFS Export

    Name — Enter a name for the NFS export resource


    Name — Enter a name for the custom user script

    File (with path) — Enter the path where this custom script is located (for example, /etc/init.d/userscript)

  3. When finished, click OK.

  4. Choose File => Save to save the change to the /etc/cluster/cluster.conf configuration file.

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire