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22.2 The Basics

22.2.1 What Is I18N/L10N?

Developers shortened internationalization into the term I18N, counting the number of letters between the first and the last letters of internationalization. L10N uses the same naming scheme, coming from “localization”. Combined together, I18N/L10N methods, protocols, and applications allow users to use languages of their choice.

I18N applications are programmed using I18N kits under libraries. It allows for developers to write a simple file and translate displayed menus and texts to each language. We strongly encourage programmers to follow this convention.

22.2.2 Why Should I Use I18N/L10N?

I18N/L10N is used whenever you wish to either view, input, or process data in non-English languages.

22.2.3 What Languages Are Supported in the I18N Effort?

I18N and L10N are not FreeBSD specific. Currently, one can choose from most of the major languages of the World, including but not limited to: Chinese, German, Japanese, Korean, French, Russian, Vietnamese and others.

  Published under the terms of the FreeBSD Document Project