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28.3 Firewall Packages

FreeBSD has three different firewall packages built into the base system. They are: IPFILTER (also known as IPF), IPFIREWALL (also known as IPFW), and OpenBSD's PacketFilter (also known as PF). FreeBSD also has two built in packages for traffic shaping (basically controlling bandwidth usage): altq(4) and dummynet(4). Dummynet has traditionally been closely tied with IPFW, and ALTQ with PF. Traffic shaping for IPFILTER can currently be done with IPFILTER for NAT and filtering and IPFW with dummynet(4) or by using PF with ALTQ. IPFW, and PF all use rules to control the access of packets to and from your system, although they go about it different ways and have different rule syntaxes.

The reason that FreeBSD has multiple built in firewall packages is that different people have different requirements and preferences. No single firewall package is the best.

The author prefers IPFILTER because its stateful rules are much less complicated to use in a NAT environment and it has a built in ftp proxy that simplifies the rules to allow secure outbound FTP usage.

Since all firewalls are based on inspecting the values of selected packet control fields, the creator of the firewall rulesets must have an understanding of how TCP/IP works, what the different values in the packet control fields are and how these values are used in a normal session conversation. For a good explanation go to:

  Published under the terms of the FreeBSD Document Project