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12.3. Rhythmbox Music Player

Rhythmbox Music Player plays CDs, internet radio, and is a music collection manager.
The first time you launch the Rhythmbox Music Player , an assistant will help you import your music. On the second panel of the assistant, click the Browse button and select the folder where your music is stored, normally in your /Home/Music/ directory.

12.3.1. Using Rhythmbox Music Player

The main functions of the Rhythmbox Music Player window are:
  • The top panel Menubar which has all of the menus to perform tasks. Press F1 or click Help > Contents on the menubar to open the manual.
  • The second Toolbar panel accesses the player functions and provides details about the track that is playing.
  • A Time Slider , under the Toolbar panel, displays the position of the read of a track and allows you to jump to another part of a track.
  • In the left window the Source List lets you access your music library , internet radio , internet , your playlist , and CDs . This consists of:
    • The Rhythmbox Music Player library, where all of the imported tracks are saved.
    • The Radio with internet radio stations.
    • Podcasts .
    • Online Stores :
    • All Playlists (normal and smart).
    • Audio CDs inserted into the computer's drives.
    • Portable players, such as an MP3 player, plugged in to your computer.
If you have a wheel mouse you can adjust the volume by placing the cursor on the volume icon and turning the wheel.
In the Browser , the rectangle window right of the Source List , you can browse and filter the Library tracks by genre , artist , or album name. It also provides a Search function.
The Tracks list is the bottom window and contains the lists of the tracks that belong to the source you selected.
The Statusbar is the panel that runs along the bottom that displays information about the source you selected.
Visit the Rhythmbox website at for more information.

  Published under the terms of the Open Publication License Design by Interspire