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Eclipse Plug-in Developer Guide
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Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Package org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory

Provides classes and interfaces to render memory blocks in the memory view.


Interface Summary
IMemoryBlockTablePresentation Allows debug models to customize the rendering of addresses for its memory blocks in table and text based renderings provided by the debug platform.
IMemoryRendering An arbitrary rendering of a memory block.
IMemoryRenderingBindingsListener A rendering bindings listener is notified of changes in the renderings provided by a rendering bindings provider.
IMemoryRenderingBindingsProvider A rendering bindings provider provides rendering type bindings for a memory block.
IMemoryRenderingContainer A memory rendering container is a container within a memory rendering site for hosting a memory renderings.
IMemoryRenderingManager Manager for memory renderings.
IMemoryRenderingSite A workbench site that hosts memory renderings and provides synchronization services for memory renderings.
IMemoryRenderingSynchronizationService Provides facilities related to the synchronization of memory renderings.
IMemoryRenderingType Represents a type of memory rendering contributed via the memoryRenderings extension point.
IMemoryRenderingTypeDelegate A factory that creates memory renderings.
IRepositionableMemoryRendering A memory rendering that can be repositioned.
IResettableMemoryRendering A memory rendering that can be reset.

Class Summary
AbstractMemoryRendering Abstract implementation of a memory rendering.
AbstractMemoryRenderingBindingsProvider Common function for a dynamic memory rendering bindings provider.
AbstractTableRendering Abstract implementation of a table rendering.
AbstractTextRendering Abstract implementation of a rendering that translates memory into text, displayed in a table.
MemoryRenderingElement A memory rendering element represents a set of memory bytes being rendered in a memory rendering.

Package org.eclipse.debug.ui.memory Description

Provides classes and interfaces to render memory blocks in the memory view.

Package Specification

This package provides classes and interfaces to support rendering memory blocks in the memory view.


Eclipse Platform
Release 3.5

Guidelines for using Eclipse APIs.

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  Published under the terms of the Eclipse Public License Version 1.0 ("EPL") Design by Interspire