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 The MySqlDataAdapter Class

The MySQLDataAdapter serves as a bridge between a DataSet and MySQL for retrieving and saving data. The MySQLDataAdapter provides this bridge by mapping Fill, which changes the data in the DataSet to match the data in the data source, and Update, which changes the data in the data source to match the data in the DataSet, using the appropriate SQL statements against the data source.

When the MySQLDataAdapter fills a DataSet, it will create the necessary tables and columns for the returned data if they do not already exist. However, primary key information will not be included in the implicitly created schema unless the MissingSchemaAction property is set to AddWithKey. You may also have the MySQLDataAdapter create the schema of the DataSet, including primary key information, before filling it with data using FillSchema.

MySQLDataAdapter is used in conjunction with MySqlConnection and MySqlCommand to increase performance when connecting to a MySQL database.

The MySQLDataAdapter also includes the SelectCommand, InsertCommand, DeleteCommand, UpdateCommand, and TableMappings properties to facilitate the loading and updating of data. Properties

The following properties are available:

  • AcceptChangesDuringFill: Gets or sets a value indicating whether AcceptChanges is called on a DataRow after it is added to the DataTable during any of the Fill operations.

  • ContinueUpdateOnError: Gets or sets a value that specifies whether to generate an exception when an error is encountered during a row update.

  • DeleteCommand: Gets or sets an SQL statement or stored procedure used to delete records from the data set.

  • InsertCommand: Gets or sets an SQL statement or stored procedure used to insert records into the data set.

  • MissingMappingAction: Determines the action to take when incoming data does not have a matching table or column.

  • MissingSchemaAction: Determines the action to take when existing DataSet schema does not match incoming data.

  • SelectCommand: Gets or sets an SQL statement or stored procedure used to select records in the data source.

  • TableMappings: Gets a collection that provides the master mapping between a source table and a DataTable.

  • UpdateCommand: Gets or sets an SQL statement or stored procedure used to updated records in the data source. Methods

The following methods are available:

  • Fill: Adds or refreshes rows in the DataSet to match those in the data source using the DataSet name, and creates a DataTable named "Table".

  • FillSchema: Adds a DataTable named "Table" to the specified DataSet and configures the schema to match that in the data source based on the specified SchemaType.

  • GetFillParameters: Gets the parameters set by the user when executing an SQL SELECT statement.

  • Update: Calls the respective INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statements for each inserted, updated, or deleted row in the specified DataSet. Usage

The following example creates a MySqlCommand and a MySqlConnection. The MySqlConnection is opened and set as the Connection for the MySqlCommand. The example then calls ExecuteNonQuery, and closes the connection. To accomplish this, the ExecuteNonQuery is passed a connection string and a query string that is an SQL INSERT statement. VB.NET

The following example shows how to use the MySqlDataAdapter class with VB.NET:

Public Function SelectRows(dataSet As DataSet, connection As String, query As String) As DataSet
    Dim conn As New MySqlConnection(connection)
    Dim adapter As New MySqlDataAdapter()
    adapter.SelectCommand = new MySqlCommand(query, conn)
    Return dataset
End Function C#

The following example shows how to use the MySqlDataAdapter class with C#:

public DataSet SelectRows(DataSet dataset,string connection,string query) 
    MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(connection);
    MySqlDataAdapter adapter = new MySqlDataAdapter();
    adapter.SelectCommand = new MySqlCommand(query, conn);
    return dataset;

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire