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 Using CallableStatements to Execute Stored Procedures

Starting with MySQL server version 5.0 when used with Connector/J 3.1.1 or newer, the java.sql.CallableStatement interface is fully implemented with the exception of the getParameterMetaData() method.

MySQL's stored procedure syntax is documented in the "Stored Procedures and Functions" section of the MySQL Reference Manual.

Connector/J exposes stored procedure functionality through JDBC's CallableStatement interface.

The following example shows a stored procedure that returns the value of inOutParam incremented by 1, and the string passed in via inputParam as a ResultSet:

Example 26.3. Stored Procedure Example

CREATE PROCEDURE demoSp(IN inputParam VARCHAR(255), INOUT inOutParam INT)
    SET z = inOutParam + 1;
    SET inOutParam = z;

    SELECT inputParam;

    SELECT CONCAT('zyxw', inputParam);

To use the demoSp procedure with Connector/J, follow these steps:

  1. Prepare the callable statement by using Connection.prepareCall() .

    Notice that you have to use JDBC escape syntax, and that the parentheses surrounding the parameter placeholders are not optional:

    Example 26.4. Using Connection.prepareCall()

    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
        // Prepare a call to the stored procedure 'demoSp'
        // with two parameters
        // Notice the use of JDBC-escape syntax ({call ...})
        CallableStatement cStmt = conn.prepareCall("{call demoSp(?, ?)}");
        cStmt.setString(1, "abcdefg");


    Connection.prepareCall() is an expensive method, due to the metadata retrieval that the driver performs to support output parameters. For performance reasons, you should try to minimize unnecessary calls to Connection.prepareCall() by reusing CallableStatement instances in your code.

  2. Register the output parameters (if any exist)

    To retrieve the values of output parameters (parameters specified as OUT or INOUT when you created the stored procedure), JDBC requires that they be specified before statement execution using the various registerOutputParameter() methods in the CallableStatement interface:

    Example 26.5. Registering Output Parameters

    import java.sql.Types;
    // Connector/J supports both named and indexed
    // output parameters. You can register output
    // parameters using either method, as well
    // as retrieve output parameters using either
    // method, regardless of what method was
    // used to register them.
    // The following examples show how to use
    // the various methods of registering
    // output parameters (you should of course
    // use only one registration per parameter).
    // Registers the second parameter as output, and
    // uses the type 'INTEGER' for values returned from
    // getObject()
    cStmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.INTEGER);
    // Registers the named parameter 'inOutParam', and
    // uses the type 'INTEGER' for values returned from
    // getObject()
    cStmt.registerOutParameter("inOutParam", Types.INTEGER);

  3. Set the input parameters (if any exist)

    Input and in/out parameters are set as for PreparedStatement objects. However, CallableStatement also supports setting parameters by name:

    Example 26.6. Setting CallableStatement Input Parameters

        // Set a parameter by index
        cStmt.setString(1, "abcdefg");
        // Alternatively, set a parameter using
        // the parameter name
        cStmt.setString("inputParameter", "abcdefg");
        // Set the 'in/out' parameter using an index
        cStmt.setInt(2, 1);
        // Alternatively, set the 'in/out' parameter
        // by name
        cStmt.setInt("inOutParam", 1);

  4. Execute the CallableStatement, and retrieve any result sets or output parameters.

    Although CallableStatement supports calling any of the Statement execute methods (executeUpdate(), executeQuery() or execute()), the most flexible method to call is execute(), as you do not need to know ahead of time if the stored procedure returns result sets:

    Example 26.7. Retrieving Results and Output Parameter Values

        boolean hadResults = cStmt.execute();
        // Process all returned result sets
        while (hadResults) {
            ResultSet rs = cStmt.getResultSet();
            // process result set
            hadResults = cStmt.getMoreResults();
        // Retrieve output parameters
        // Connector/J supports both index-based and
        // name-based retrieval
        int outputValue = cStmt.getInt(2); // index-based
        outputValue = cStmt.getInt("inOutParam"); // name-based

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