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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux 5.

18.9. Displaying Virtual Machine Details

You can use the Virtual Machine Monitor to view activity data information for any virtual machines on your system.

To view a virtual system's details:

  1. In the Virtual Machine Manager main window, highlight the virtual machine that you want to view.

    Selecting Virtual Machine to Display

    Figure 18.19. Selecting Virtual Machine to Display

  2. From the Virtual Machine Manager Edit menu, select Machine Details (or click the Details button on the bottom of the Virtual Machine Manager main window).

    Displaying Virtual Machine Details Menu

    Figure 18.20. Displaying Virtual Machine Details Menu

    The Virtual Machine Details Overview window appears. This window summarizes CPU and memory usage for the domain(s) you specified.

    Displaying Virtual Machine Details Overview

    Figure 18.21. Displaying Virtual Machine Details Overview

  3. On the Virtual Machine Details window, click the Hardware tab.

    The Virtual Machine Details Hardware window appears.

    Displaying Virtual Machine Details Hardware

    Figure 18.22. Displaying Virtual Machine Details Hardware

  4. On the Hardware tab, click on Processor to view or change the current processor memory allocation.

    Displaying Processor Allocation

    Figure 18.23. Displaying Processor Allocation

  5. On the Hardware tab, click on Memory to view or change the current RAM memory allocation.

    Displaying Memory Allocation

    Figure 18.24. Displaying Memory Allocation

  6. On theHardware tab, click on Disk to view or change the current hard disk configuration.

    Displaying Disk Configuration

    Figure 18.25. Displaying Disk Configuration

  7. On the Hardware tab, click on Network to view or change the current network configuration.

    Displaying Network Configuration

    Figure 18.26. Displaying Network Configuration

  Published under the terms of the GNU General Public License Design by Interspire