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NOTE: CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is built from the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source code. Other than logo and name changes CentOS Enterprise Linux 5 is compatible with the equivalent Red Hat version. This document applies equally to both Red Hat and CentOS Enterprise Linux 5.

19.4. Troubleshooting Tools

This section summarizes the System Administrator applications, the networking utilities, and the Advanced Debugging Tools (for more information on using these tools to configure the Red Hat Virtualization services, see the respective configuration documentation). You can employ these standard System Administrator Tools and logs to assist with troubleshooting:

  • xentop

  • xm dmesg

  • xm log

  • vmstat

  • iostat

  • lsof

You can employ these Advanced Debugging Tools and logs to assist with troubleshooting:

  • XenOprofile

  • systemTap

  • crash

  • sysrq

  • sysrq t

  • sysrq w

You can employ these Networking Tools to assist with troubleshooting:

  • ifconfig

  • tcpdump

  • brtctl

brctl is a networking tool that inspects and configures the ethernet bridge configuration in the Virtualization linux kernel. You must have root access before performing these example commands:

# brctl show 

bridge-name    bridge-id          STP  enabled  interfaces  
xenbr0             8000.feffffff       no        vif13.0
xenbr1             8000.ffffefff       yes       pddummy0
xenbr2             8000.ffffffef       no        vif0.0

# btcrl showmacs xenbr0

port-no           mac-addr                  local?       ageing timer

1                 fe:ff:ff:ff:ff:           yes            0.00
2                 fe:ff:ff:fe:ff:           yes            0.00

# btcrl showstp xenbr0


bridge-id              8000.fefffffffff

designated-root        8000.fefffffffff

root-port              0                   path-cost             0

max-age                20.00               bridge-max-age        20.00

hello-time             2.00                bridge-hello-time     2.00

forward-delay          0.00                bridge-forward-delay  0.00

ageing-time            300.01

hello-timer            1.43                tcn-timer             0.00

topology-change-timer  0.00                gc-timer              0.02

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